
Saturday, December 1, 2012


What? How? Who?

Questions asked by the lawyer to Jesus.
Questions that sermons, preachers and scribes need to be able to answer.
The what states what scripture says in verses; how answers what its intended meaning or interpretation.
The avoidance question the lawyer asked was "Who is my neighbor?" to which Christ returns with the question "To whom are you prepared to be a neighbor?"
The Samaritan acted as a neighbor without the hostilities that was present in the society in the presence of need. He expressed the compassion that marked the life of Jesus. Something deeper than mistaken conceptions of worship moved him. The compassion of his soul.
Who is my neighbor was a secondary question, the first being whether he himself had the heart of a neighbor.
The one to whom the heart goes out becomes a neighbor. Go, and do likewise. What shall I do? This do. Go, and do.
The quest for life eternal and the secret of its possession that he was asking about.
Act as Jesus, be His disciple, let Him teach you.

What shall I do to inherit eternal life?
How readest thou?
Who is my neighbor     Luke 10:25, 26, 29

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