
Wednesday, February 13, 2019


"Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples were together." Joh 21:2   

two other The suggestiveness of these words is arresting. This was a wonderful occasion on which the Lord was specially manifesting Himself to a group of disciples. Every phase of the doings of that morning is full of light and glory. The risen Redeemer and Ruler was showing men His interest and power in the commonplaces of their lives, and in the greatest responsibilities thereof. He touched their daily doings with light and glory, those of fishing, and preparing breakfast. He gave them the grandest conception of their fellowship with Himself in His work of gathering together in one the sheep that were scattered abroad. Who were the men? They were Simon Peter, and Thomas, and Nathanael, and James, and John - all outstanding figures. But there were "two other," and they are unnamed, and I believe purposely unnamed. They represent the anonymous and hidden multitudes of faithful souls, whose names are never published in human documents, and whose deeds are never recorded in human reports. To these He manifested Himself, as surely as to the others. Those "two other" represented the majority of the saints. Let all such remember that of His fulness they also receive. Manifestations are needed for fidelity in obscure places of service, and they are granted. To all His own, He always comes with unveiling of His glory, with ministrations of His grace and truth.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


"Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord *appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to destroy Him." Mat 2:13 

 They are still doing the same today. In America the people that Satan works through use noble intentions just as Herod. They destroy Him in America by making His arrival day a holiday instead of the spectacular mind boggling event it was at the start. God taking on flesh and what that meant to Him as far as joining mankind in that way was just as earthshaking as it should be for us. America has taken Herod's action to a new level. They refuse the mention of His name and of God the Fathers also. They have banned Him from the school. They have thrown His Book out of the library. The Koran gets more attention than the Bible. They have diminished talking to Him on the school property. No wonder guns have replaced Bibles there. These kids have no hope so they commit the most horrendous crimes against themselves and others. And America thinks this country is the model for other countries. We are the model for disaster not hope. The America of hope and dreams was taken over years ago. The other countries look at our ignorance and laugh.

Monday, February 11, 2019


"and they have testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God."  3Jn 1:6 

If in his second letter John dealt specially with the subject of those to whom NO HOSPITALITY should be extended, but in this he commends HOSPITALITY, and shows what its nature should be. There were those who "for the sake of the Name went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles." These were to be received and welcomed, and "set forward on their journey worthily of God." Two interpretations have been given of this phrase. One is that these men were to be treated as the VERY MESSENGERS OF GOD, and so worthily of that fact. The other is that those who tendered them hospitality were to do it AS GOD WOULD DO IT, "worthily (commendably) of God." Most probably both views are correct, both ideas being involved. In harmony with the whole spirit of the letter the 2nd is the more obvious. What a PATTERN AND TEST is here of HOSPITALITY! What kind of a host is God? How does He treat His guests? When we have answered those questions, we shall have discov­ered the NATURE of the hospitality we ought to extend to all those who go forth for the sake of the Name. To those who receive the hospitality of God, He gives of His best, He gives lavishly: He gives of pure delight. His concern is forever for the HIGHEST WELL-BEING of His guests. He opens His home to them; He spreads His table before them; He admits them to familiar conversation with Himself; He places at their disposal all His knowledge, and all the riches of His grace. If we are to ENTERTAIN "worthily of God" these are the lines upon which our HOSPITALITY must proceed. It is one of the things which CONSTANTLY CHEER AND HELP those who go forth for the sake of the Name.

Thursday, February 7, 2019



"But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves." Jas 1:22

 This letter of James is pre-eminently ethical, practical, forceful. In it there are more references to sayings in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:1) than in all the other letters of the New Testament. All this is of great interest when we accept the view, which is almost beyond dispute, that the man who wrote the letter was a brother of the Lord. He had lived with Jesus in all the early years in Nazareth. While it would seem that he did not join himself outwardly to the disciples until after the Resurrection, there are evidences that in the company of Mary, these brethren were much with Jesus in the central period of His ministry. All this would suggest that, looking back, and thinking of all those years, this man was impressed with the harmony there had always been in the Lord, between His teaching and His life. Thus he argued, and rightly, that a faith which was not expressed in deeds was of no value at all. This does not mean that he was in any way ignorant of the deep spiritual mysteries of Christian life. If in these words he urges us to be doers of the Word, we must remember that the Word he refers to is that which he has just described as "the inborn word" (v. 21). He was referring, not merely to any written Word, nor to his Lord as the Word incarnate alone; but to the Word of God received into the soul through the written Word, and by the Word incarnate. That Word is only of real value as it is obeyed, as what it enjoins is done. There is no profit, but rather the reverse, in hearing, if there be no doing. Cf. Luke 6:49.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019



"Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son." 2Jn 1:9 

The major theologians have pointed out that both the second and the third letters of John have to do with the subject of Christian hospitality. In this one, addressed to "the elect lady," perhaps a church, and perhaps a person, the people to whom no Christian hospitality is to be extended are dealt with. These are described as "deceivers . . . even they that confess not that Jesus Christ cometh in the flesh." It is with reference to such that this declaration is made. They were persons who CLAIMED TO BE the leaders (there is One Leader according to Christ) (Mat_23:10 NASB); they were advanced thinkers, they were progressive. The Gnostic teachers of the time were claiming that while the Gospel of the historic Jesus might be all very well for unenlightened people, they had a profounder knowledge. Such were to receive no hospitality. In this warning, we find a principle of perpetual application. There is always room for advanced thinking, for progressive interpretation, for the things of Christ are as profound as God and life and that advanced thinking should come from the Holy Spirit using the words of Christ. We never ought to be content to remain with the first principles of truth going on to the MEAT OF THE WORDS OF CHRIST (Heb_5:12-14). We should in knowledge go on unto perfection as we are being led daily by Christ and His Spirit. But there is one infallible test for such advanced thinking, for such progressive interpretation. It is that the advanced thinking does not contradict the first principles, or deny the fundamental facts of our faith—those of the historic Jesus, that of the fact that He came in the flesh, again led by His Spirit Whom He and the Father sent to guide us in our thinking (Joh_14:26). Such advanced thinking as denies these things, is not progress but retrogression and apostasy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019



“Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”   1Jn 2:15

Adam started his journey on the wrong foot and this world has not been the same. He was given ample evidence to know whose presence he was in, the creator of this world who shared ample truth with him daily to know what the difference was between right and wrong. John points out the amazing truth clear from the beginning had Adam made the right decision concerning who his leader would be and who he would adore and obey. His love went fowl at the start with its focus. The very purpose of man's creation was to glorify God by worshipping Him voluntarily in conscious rejection of sinful alternatives. See also Joh_4:23-24.

Monday, February 4, 2019


"For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins."  2Pe 1:9 

That is a graphic description of the spiritual condition of a Christian who fails to make advance in Christian experience. It is because of that condition that there is arrest in development. The description moves in two stages. The first describes the condition in itself, the second gives the reason of the condition. The condition is that of blindness. This is immediately qualified bv the words, "seeing only what is near." It is NEARSIGHTEDNESS rather than TOTAL BLINDNESS. Such a man sees the things of time, and fails to discern those of eternity; he sees the material facts, but not the spiritual; he sees the circumstances, but not the facts of which they are but passing expressions; in short, he sees himself and his fellowmen, but not God. This near-sightedness is destructive of a true Christian experience, and therefore makes advance impossible. The reason is that he has "forgotten the cleansing from his old sins." That is to say, he has failed to respond to all the enlargement of life and vision which came to him when he received the cleansing of his nature at the very beginning of his Christian life. What a revelation or reminder this is of the greatness of the blessing which comes to the soul when it is accepted, pardoned, justified, cleansed! That wondrous experience always means the relating of the life to the eternal, the opening of the eyes to God. In order to the maintenance of that relationship and the continuity of that clear spiritual vision, it is necessary to abide at the Cross, never to forget the awe and wonder of forgiveness. In proportion as we wander from that solemn sense of grace, we become near-sighted, and all our Christian life is arrested.

Sunday, February 3, 2019



 "And the seed whose fruit is righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace."   Jas 3:18 

The marginal reading of the Revised Version suggests the substitution of the word "by" for "for," and that would seem to be the real thought of the writer. He had been contrasting the wisdom from beneath with that from above as Solomon. The first produces jealousy, faction, confusion. The second is first pure and then peaceable. Now carefully observe that he says much more than that peace is the fruit of righteousness. That is true, and it had already been said in the declaration that heavenly wisdom is first pure, then peaceable. But here the thought is that of the propagation power of life according to heavenly wisdom. Righteousness bears fruit after its kind, and that is peace. When this is sown, still in peace, it produces righteousness again, wherein is the further fruit age; and so ever on. Those who make peace had been declared by the Lord to be blessed (born-again), as the sons of God. Here the blessedness is shown in its effect. The peacemakers are those who live by the heavenly wisdom, which is first pure and then peaceable, that is, by righteousness. These are the men who make peace. To compromise with wrong, to seek for quietness by the sacrifice of righteousness, is not to secure peace, but to make it impossible. On the other hand, to stand for righteousness, even though there must be conflict and suffering, is to sow the fruit where from peace will come. The ways of God are all severe, but they are the only ways of goodness. To do right at the cost of ease, is to make peace. To seek ease at the cost of righteousness is to make peace forever impossible.

Thursday, January 31, 2019



 "Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession;" Heb 3:1 

Here again in the book of Hebrews we have an appeal based upon what has already been written. Having dealt with the humiliation of the Son, and shown that it had not detracted from His superiority to the angels, but rather enhanced it, in that such 'humiliation' was in order to the doing of His saving, priestly work the writer urged his readers to consider Him: We may link this appeal with the previous. one. The sure way in which to "give earnest heed" to the message of the Son, and to be saved from "drifting," is to CONSIDER HIM. That consideration is to be of Him in two ways, as Apostle and High Priest. Along these lines we are led in what follows. Jesus is "the Apostle ... of our confession." That marks the DIVINE AUTHORITY OF HIS MESSAGE. He is the Sent One of God. His preeminence in this matter is shown by comparing Him with Moses and Joshua. Moses was faithful as a servant in the house, but Jesus as a Son over the house. Moses led the people out, but could not lead them in. Jesus leads out of bondage and into the promised possessions. Joshua led the people in, but could not give them rest. Jesus gives rest. Jesus is also "the High Priest of our confession," and that is very fully developed. The whole emphasis of this verse is upon the necessity for considering Him. The idea is that of CAREFUL CONTEMPLATION, ATTENTIVE THINKING. How sadly we often fail here. The holy exercise demands time, method, diligence, and wherever it is practiced we are saved from drifting.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019


"For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it." Heb 2:1 

The "therefore" of these words carries us back to the arguments of the previous chapter, and on to those of this chapter. The Hebrew people maintained, and rightly, that their whole religious and national economy had been ministered by ANGELS. The writer agreed, but proceeded to show the superiority of the SON OF GOD to the ANGELS, and the consequently greater authority of the speech of the Son, to that of the word spoken by ANGELS. That superiority being granted, it follows irresistibly that we should give the more earnest heed to what He has to say. The conclusion is so self-evident that we are almost inclined to wonder that there was any need for so solemn a warning. We shall find an answer to that wonder in the writer's description of the peril, and in the contrast which he makes between the word of ANGELS and the message of the SON. Note this contrast first. The word spoken by ANGELS was STEADFAST, and disobedience brought a just RECOMPENSE. The word of ANGELS was the word of law, stern, inflexible. The message of the SON is that which can be summarized in one word, "Salvation." It is the word of GRACE, compassionate, unfailing. That in itself is one reason why the foolish heart of men may fail to give earnest heed to it. Then again the peril is that of DRIFTING. The figure is that of a boat which, caught by unseen currents, may be carried out of its course. This is so easy a thing to do. But it ought not to be. The message of Salvation, spoken by the SON, should make an even STRONGER APPEAL THAN THAT OF LAW, uttered by ANGELS.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


"God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways," 
Heb 1:1

From the introductory sentences of this great writing, we have taken out the principal words. They need, of course, all the qualifying words by which they are surrounded in order to the full understanding of their meaning, but in themselves they reveal the fundamental truths with which the writing deals. The 1st fact is GOD. Without definition, or argument, or apology of any kind, the writer names God. The fact that the writing was for Hebrews shows that he accepted the Hebrew conception of God. All that had been revealed by the names and titles, the Law, the Prophets, and the history, was included. The 2nd fact is that GOD DOES REVEAL HIMSELF. He speaks to men; He makes known His will. These are the foundation truths of our religion. If we are not sure of these, we are sure of nothing. In the process of His dealings with men, He has proved Himself, by REVEALING HIMSELF; and the nature of the revelation has proved it to be of God. Then the statement shows us the INTERRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PAST AND THE PRESENT. He did speak in the past, particularly, progressively, in diverse portions and manners, as men were prepared to receive. He has now SPOKEN FULLY, FINALLY, IN HIS SON; and men will progressively apprehend the meaning of this final speech, but they will never exhaust it. Moreover, the interrelation is part of one whole. Having spoken as He did in the past, it was necessary and possible for Him to speak in His Son. It was necessary, for all that He had said was incom­plete. It was possible, and APART FROM THE FIRST PARTIAL MESSAGES; THE FULL AND FINAL MESSAGE WOULD HAVE BEEN INCOMPREHENSIBLE. Thus we see the wisdom and perfection of the Divine Revelation.

Monday, January 28, 2019


"But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Tim. 5:8

Paul was instructing Timothy as to the duty of the Church in the matter of caring for the poor of the flock, especially in the case of such as were widows. That the Church has such a responsibility he made perfectly clear, but he also showed with care how it ought to be safeguarded. Throughout the whole teaching, it is evident that the Apostle considered that in all such matters responsibility first lay with the family (see verses 4 and 16). In our verse this conception finds central and general expression, and nothing could be clearer or more positive. The statement is characterized by that sane, practical commonsense which is everywhere discoverable in Paul's outlook on life. A man's very first responsibility is that of his own, HIS OWN HOUSEHOLD. No call on him must be allowed to take precedence of that, not even that of the work of the Church, and certainly not that of his own pleasures. To neglect to make such provision is to deny the faith, for the faith is that of the way of LOVE in all its most practical bearings. The believer who does so, is worse than an unbeliever, for common human instincts, apart from the teaching of Christ, will prompt a pagan to care for his own flesh and blood. All this is very commonplace, but it is of the utmost importance; for Christianity is the transfiguration of the commonplace, and in proportion as it enables a man to realize all human obligations on the highest level, he is thereby recommending it to others. In a word like this, there is serious rebuke for some, and there is much of comfort for others. The family is God's FIRST CIRCLE OF SOCIETY, and it is MAN'S FIRST SPHERE OF RESPONDSIBILITY.

Sunday, January 27, 2019


"(but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?)," 1Ti 3:5 
How shall he who cannot perform the lesser function, perform the greater and more difficult? These words were used by the Apostle when he was giving Timothy instructions as to the orderly government of the Church; and their first application was to those who were to exercise oversight, that is, to be bishops or overseers, the pastors. They contain a principle which applies to the whole field of Christian service. It may be said tbat every Christian witness is a center around whom concentric circles are drawn in which his or her witness will operate. We may illustrate by saying that in the ordinary life of every Christian believer, the circles are those of home, church, city, nation, race. While the influence of a life may not seem to affect all these, it certainly does so in a measure. Necessarily it is more evident in the first circles. Now the principle involved in this statement is that we are only able to exert the true influence in the wider circles as we do so in the first. The question of the Apostle has a self-evident answer. If a man is not able to regulate the affairs of his own household, if his own children are unruly, he cannot guide and guard the Church of God so as to ensure its orderliness and power. That is so for two reasons.

First, that he lacks the power to rule. If he possessed it, he could rule his house.

Second, that his failure in his own house must negative any attempt he may make in the Church, for men will only obey an authority which is evidenced by results.

We may pass back to the central fact, and say that fitness for the guidance of others, in home or Church, or anywhere, is created by the control of one's own life as it is wholly under the sway of the Lord.

Thursday, January 24, 2019


"You shall put them on Aaron your brother and on his sons with him; and you shall anoint them and ordain them and consecrate them, that they may serve Me as priests." Exod. 28:41

These words indicate the method by which the priests were prepared to minister to God and a study of them is full of suggestiveness. There is no tautology here. Each of the three words has its own particular value, and the three in sequence cover the whole ground of preparation. The first, ANOINT, is quite simple, and describes the actual putting of the sacred oil upon the head (Exo_29:7), the symbol of the communication of the Holy Spirit to the one to exercise priestly ministry. The second, CONSECRETE, is the translation of two Hebrew words, meaning the filling of the open hand, and signifies the perfect equipment of the anointed one for the discharge of that ministry. The third, SANTIFY, means literally, to make clean, and refers to the spiritual and moral separation of the priest from all defilement. Thus all priestly ministries are made possible by the ANOINTING (Deu_28:40) of the Holy Spirit. That anointing communicates the power, and ensures the purity, apart from which there can be no priestly ministry before God. Thus we see how the Divinely arranged ritual of the Hebrew economy was intended to convey to these people truths of fundamental importance. This ritual is done away in Christ, because all the things it typifies are realized in and through Him. If we are priests unto God, it is because in Him we have the ANOINTING of the Spirit, and so the power for our ministry, and the CLEANSING, apart from which there can be no exercise thereof. ANOINTED, CONSECRETED, SANCTIFIED souls, may minister before the Lord as priests.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019



"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."  Exod 20:2 

These are the words which introduce the Law. They constitute the immediate prelude to the Ten inclusive Words; and have their bearing on all the applications, and elaborations thereof, both with regard to CONDUCT and to WORSHIP. This we should never forget. God's law was for His ransomed people. Every requirement is rooted in this fact of relationship. God did not promulgate a code of laws for the children of Israel, while they were in bondage, telling them that if they would obey it, He would deliver them. He brought them out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, and then gave them His law. From all responsibility to the proud despotism of Egypt He liberated them by bringing them under His immediate government; from all the shackles of the house of BONDAGE He set them free, by bringing them into the LIBERTY of His LOVE. Then He gave them the words which revealed His WILL for them. Thus LAW in itself was an expression of LOVE. This is ever God's way. In this special dispensation of His grace it is still true. Now, however, it is perhaps more necessary to remind ourselves that grace does not set aside ethical requirement. He still gives us laws which condition CONDUCT and WORSHIP, and because in Christ Jesus grace has had its most perfect outshining, and its most powerful operation, the TERMS OF LAW have become severer and more exacting. Nevertheless, the thought of strength and comfort for us is ever that every requirement of His LAW is rooted in His LOVE.

Monday, January 21, 2019


"He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying."  Matt 28:6 
Thus the fact in history vindicated the word He had spoken. It should ever be remembered that our Lord is never recorded as speaking of His coming CROSS without at the same time foretelling His RESURRECTION. This is God's eternal answer to all the might of evil. Herod sought the young Child's life to destroy it. At last they put Him to death. His body they placed in a, tomb, guarded by soldiers. They made it as sure as they could, remembering that He had "said while He was yet alive, After three days I rise again." And this is the issue: "Risen, even as He said"!

That is the secret of our assurance in the darkest day. The forces of evil are mighty, but God is Almighty. The plotting of evil is full of cleverness, but the wisdom of God holds it all in perfect knowledge, and His plans move ever forward to realization with absolute and splendid certainty. But let us make no mistake about it we have no certainty of His almightiness, nor of His absolute wisdom, apart from His RESURRECTION. We have no other sufficient evidence of the one or the other. Herod seeks still to destroy the young Child. Priests and politicians still crucify the Lord, and set guards over His grave, declaring Him to be dead. But by this sign, amid the ages, we know that it is Herod who must and will be destroyed, and that the men who crucify will find salvation by the Cross, or by it will be cast out into the utter darkness.

Sunday, January 20, 2019



"It is He that shall save His people from their sins" Matt. 1:21

The whole value of this statement is found by placing the emphasis upon the "HE." The name which the angel commanded Joseph to give to Mary's Child was one that was common at the time. It had a wonderful history. It had been made by Moses for his im­mediate successor, by the weaving to­gether of his name, Hoshea, which meant Salvation, with some of the let­ters of the Divine name Jehovah, so that its full significance was "The Salvation of Jehovah." Thus the Name Jesus, is equivalent to the Jehovah of the Old Testament, combined with the revelation of the ultimate meaning of that name, that of Salvation, in all the completeness of the great fact. As Je­hovah—or Yahweh—meant, "The Be­coming One," or "The One Who becomes,"—that is, THE GOD OF GRACE, WHO BECOMES TO HIS PEOPLE WHATEVER THEY NEED, SO, WHEN IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME, HE, IN HIS SON, "became flesh," the Name given to Him signified the ultimate in this mighty, but condescend­ing Grace. This is indeed then the Name which is above every name. The hope expressed in the Name was about to be fulfilled. Through the One Who Was now to bear it, salvation from sin was to be made possible.

This contrastive value abides. Still there is none other name which stands for that possibility. Infinite are the glories of Him Who received that Name anew when He was exalted to the right hand of God, but among them all, for us who are sinning men and women, this is central and supreme. This we should ever remember for our personal comfort, and in all our service. As we are perpetually engaged in the struggle against sin, it is for us to fight in the assurance that He is able to deliver us, not only from the penalties of wrong­doing, but from the power of evil in every form. That also must ever con­dition our service. However varied the claims of our Lord may be, and how­ever wide the area over which it is our business to insist upon His Lordship, everything begins, continues, and ends, in this glorious fact that He deals with sin, forgiving its penalty, cleansing from its pollution, and destroying its power.

Saturday, January 19, 2019



"The Revelation of Jesus Christ" Rev. 1:1

Apoka­lupsis of Jesus Christ This is the very key-note of this book. The phrase refers, not only to the opening section, but to the entire treatise. The wonder of the book is proved by the variety of interpretations which it has received. No wise ex­positor will be over-confident that his is the one and only correct interpretation. The possibility is that there are elements of truth in all. Whereas there may be, and almost certainly will be, difficulties in every reading of it, we shall be greatly helped and, guided if we remember that its real value is that it is "the Revelation of Jesus Christ." Quite evidently the arresting word here is the word Revelation, which is a translation of the Greek word Apoka­lupsis, which literally means to take off the covering, that is, to uncover, to un­veil, to disclose. It is a word with which we have become very familiar. It is found only eighteen times in the New Testament.
-Thirteen of these oc­cur in the writings of Paul;
-three in Peter's first letter; one in the Gospel of Luke; and
-one in the writings of John. This is the only place in his writings where it is found.

Thus it stands in all its suggestiveness at the opening of this book, giving us at once the ultimate value of the whole. As we read, we see: The Church and the world; the hosts of witnesses to the living God, and the massed and mighty forces in opposition to His government, and these in conflict; but the utmost matter is that of the disclosure to its of Jesus Christ—

1st in His own glory,
2nd in the grace of His dealing with the Church, and
3rd then in the wisdom and might of His government, whereby He establishes the Kingdom of God on earth.

Friday, January 18, 2019



"Out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of Jehovah from Jerusa­lem" Micah 4:2

Having denounced the false rulers, and revealed the evil principle of their exercise of authority, the prophet de­scribed the true order in a prediction concerning its establishment. His out­look was that of the true Israelite; he recognized the Divine purpose in the national life of his people. Not for themselves did they exist in ISOLA­TION OF PRIVILEGE, but rather as A RALLY­ING CENTER FOR HUMANITY, an order to which the people would flow, A REVELA­TION AND REALIZATION, attracting the na­tions and inspiring them to inquire for the ways of Jehovah, the God of Jacob. In these particular words the chief glory of the national life of Israel is revealed. ZION IS TO BE THE HILL OF JEHOVAH, AND OUT OF IT THE LAW WHICH MEN NEED, SHALL GO FORTH; JERUSALEM WILL BECOME INDEED THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING, AND FROM IT THE WORD OF JEHOVAH WILL BE UTTERED. That is what the world waits for, and failing to find, or Rather Refusing To Receive It Carries On, Under A False Interpretation Of Life, And Cursed By The Oppressions Of False Rul­ers. When life is governed by the law of Jehovah, and sustained by His word, STRIFE WILL END, WAR WILL BE NO MORE; THEN PEACE AND PROSPERITY WILL BE REALIZED. THAT DAY HAS NOT YET COME, BUT THE GLEAMS OF ITS GLORY ARE EVERYWHERE APPEARING. PEACE IS FOUND TODAY IN MEN IN WHOM HE IS WELL PLEASED; AND PROSPERITY IS THE PORTION OF THE MEEK, who already inherit the earth, even though they seem to be excluded from its possession. The Men In Whom He Is Well Pleased Are Those Who Live By His Law; And The Meek Are Such As Are Sustained By His Word. But the Day is yet to be.

Thursday, January 17, 2019



"But we were babes in the midst of you, as when a nurse cherishes her own children" 1 Thess. 2:7

I have resolutely adopted the mar­ginal reading of the Revised, substitut­ing the word "babes" for "gentle." Most of the ancient authorities have this word "babes." The word "gentle" has been preferred because it has been thought to suit the context better. Per­sonally I do not think it does. The statement as it stands is very full of beauty. Perhaps no word of Paul any­where more vividly sets forth his tender solicitude for his spiritual children. Observe the latter part of the figure first. It is not that of a mother. It is that of a nurse and mother. The Re­vised helps us here, by the rendering, "a nurse cherishes her own children." THE CONCEPTION IS THAT OF THE MERGING OF TRAINED INTELLIGENT SKILL WITH NATURAL MOTHER-LOVE. That is perfect care. A nurse may, have real skill, and even be scientifically devoted to her charges, but all this leaves something lacking which is found in motherhood. On the other hand, mothers whose love and devotion are undoubted have often wronged their children through igno­rance. Given a nurse with her own children, and the ideal is realized. Paul said that this was his attitude toward his spiritual children, and he gives a beautiful description of it as he writes: "We were babes in the midst of you." Origen interpreted this to mean that Paul had talked to them in BABY LANGUAGE. Immediately the nurse-mother among her children is seen and heard, and there is nothing more to be said. Such was Paul's method with his babes in Christ; and such should ever be the way of those who have the over­sight of the new-born children of God.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Is it because there is no God in Israel, that ye go to inquire of Baalzebub, the god of Ekron?" 2Ki_1:3

Ahaziah the son of Ahab had succeeded his father upon the throne of Israel. He was not so strong a personality as was his father, but he gave himself wholly to the most abominable idolatry, in that he served and worshipped Baal. In the midst of difficulties created by the fact that Israel was at war with Moab, he sought counsel from Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron. It was then that Elijah, who had been in seclusion, suddenly appeared, and asked this question. Again it was a question vibrant with satire. BAAL-ZEBUB WAS NO GOD. THE GOD OF ISRAEL WAS GOD, AND BESIDE HIM THERE WAS NONE ELSE. And yet this man Ahaziah, excluded by his wickedness from the true God, sought counsel of one who was no god! How amazing that such wickedness can develop in a man’s heart. And that is ever so. MEN CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT SOME KIND OF TRAFFIC WITH POWERS SUPERNATURAL, and so superior to themselves. When they are out off from direct communication with God, they turn to the under-world, to those dark and sinister forces which are no gods. That is the meaning of all forms of Spiritism. God is ever available to man, but if, man by-sin exclude himself from God, then he turns to false methods of dealing with the supernatural. Such methods are all, and always, destructive. Sooner or later, God breaks in again upon the soul, if not in healing revelation in response to penitence, then in swift judgment.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019



"In everything commending our­selves, as ministers of God" 2 Cor. 6:4

In these words the participle "com­mending" has close connection with the participle "working " in the first verse of the chapter. "Working together with God . . . in everything commend­ing ourselves as ministers of God." Here we have the SECRET OF POWER AND THE BURDEN OF RESPONSIBILITY in all Chris­tian service. Whatever we are called upon to be, or do, or suffer, we find the necessary resources in OUR FELLOW­SHIP WITH GOD. Our responsibility is that we commend ourselves (first to God, and also to those among whom we serve), as ministers of God. Some of the things included in this "everything" follow in the Apostle's letter. First, things of trial: patience, afflictions, ne­cessities, distresses, stripes, imprison­ments, tumults, labors, watching’s, fast­ing’s. Then things of grace: pureness, knowledge, longsuffering, kindness, the Holy Spirit, love unfeigned, the word of truth, the power of God. Then things of conflict: the armor of righteousness, glory and dishonor, evil re­port and good report. Then things of experience, the double experience of the servants of God, that of what the world thinks of them, and that of their secret life with God; deceivers, yet true; unknown, yet well known; dying, and living; chastened, not killed; sor­rowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making rich; having nothing, yet pos­sessing all things. In all these things, working with God—that is comfort and strength, in all these things, commend­ing ourselves as ministers of God—that is purpose and responsibility.

Monday, January 14, 2019


John 18 Focus

Scripture makes it abundantly clear that there is a plan. A number of evidences could be used for the existence of God’s plan for creation, but the most compelling evidence is that which is recorded in Scripture:

The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation (Psa_33:11).

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but the counsel of the Lord, it will stand (Pro_19:21).

"This is the plan devised against the whole earth; and this is the hand that is stretched out against all the nations. For the Lord of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it? And as for His stretched-out hand, who can turn it back?" (Isa_14:26-27).

The statements of the Second Person of the Trinity, our Lord Jesus Christ, are consistent with the words of Scripture concerning God’s plan. The Old Testament prophets laid out God’s plan for Messiah, which included both His suffering and His glory:

Therefore, when He comes into the world, He says, "Sacrifice and offering Thou hast not desired, but a body Thou hast prepared for Me; in whole burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin Thou hast taken no pleasure. "Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come (in the roll of the book it is written of Me) to do Thy will, O God.’" After saying the above, "Sacrifices and offerings and whole burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin Thou hast not desired, nor hast Thou taken pleasure in them" (which are offered according to the Law), then He said, "Behold, I have come to do Thy will." He takes away the first in order to establish the second. By this will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all (Heb_10:5-10).

At the time of His birth, some of God’s plan for Christ were described (see Luk_1:26-38,67-79; Luk_2:8-14,25-35). Repeatedly our Lord indicated He was not pursuing His own plan but fulfilling the plan of the Father:

And it came about that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them, and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. And when they saw Him, they were astonished; and His mother said to Him, "Son, why have You treated us this way? Behold, Your father and I have been anxiously looking for You." And He said to them, "Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?" And they did not understand the statement which He had made to them (Luk_2:46-50).

The disciples therefore were saying to one another, "No one brought Him anything to eat, did he?" Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to accomplish His work" (Joh_4:33-34).

And He went a little beyond them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as Thou wilt." And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, "So, you men could not keep watch with Me for one hour?" (Mat_26:39-40)

Sunday, January 13, 2019





Rev_20:6  Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: over these the second death hath no power; but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
If I pass from this earth having been a faithful follower of Christ I have yet to perform my greatest work for Christ which will be brought about by His Second Coming to earth. The perfection of my make-up will be brought about at that time and the things which caused me to perform at a lower level will be done away with a new body, a new mind, and a perfected heart. Jesus since His first coming is in the process of choosing from the nations as well as Israel a hierarchy to rule and reign with Him on this earth for a thousand years Rev_20:6. At the Second Coming does our eternal intended work begin. He is not choosing clouds for saints to sit on for eternity and play harps as some seem to think their occupation will be. The disciples knew what Christ was doing and even out of their flesh in Luk_22:24-30 fought over who should be accounted the greatest, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
See also Dan_7:22; Dan_7:18; Isa_49:1.
Rev_20:2  And he laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, 
Rev_20:3  and cast him into the abyss, and shut it, and sealed it over him, that he should deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years should be finished: after this he must be loosed for a little time. 
Rev_20:4  And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and such as worshipped not the beast, neither his image, and received not the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand; and they lived, and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Rev_20:5  The rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years should be finished. This is the first resurrection. 
Rev_20:6  Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: over these the second death hath no power; but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
Rev_20:7  And when the thousand years are finished, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
I am one of those for I was promised that I would rule and reign with Him in His Kingdom here on earth.
Rev_19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS.
King of kings and Lord of lords; which will well suit him now when he shall be openly King over all the earth; See Gill on 1Ti_6:15 
Rev_17:14. which He will bring about at the proper time—He who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords,AND LORD OF LORDS.
Priests and Kings promised in 1Pe_2:5 , 1Pe_2:9 First promised in Isa_43:21
In Rev_5:10, speaking of the redeemed, it is added "And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth."
In Matt. 24:46 it says concerning Israel "Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing." 
Mat_24:47  "Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods." Mat_25:21  "His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."
Saints are promised in Jas_2:5  "Listen, my beloved brethren: did not God choose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? "
In Rev_1:1; Jud_1:14, Jud_1:15 the saints are said to participate and partake of the final triumph and glory of their Savior, and be associated with Him being given power over the nations Thus the same irresistible authoritative action which belongs to Jesus Christ.
Jeus is called the first in rank in Rev_1:5, the Ruler of the kings of the earth.
See alo Topics:
Crowns - Crowns [of life] (Imperishable wreath) Here the saints are crowned as rulers with Him. 1Co_9:25. Also in Jas_1:12; Rev_2:10, also in 1Pe_5:4 Paul said that not only him but others at the appearing of Christ in 2Ti_4:8.
Princes - Princes are promised to be added all through the Psalms.
Psa_1:113; Psa_47; Psa_110:3.
In Isa_32:1 it says Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in justice.