
Monday, December 10, 2012


Heaven’s Work

Psa. 40:8  I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.

           Recently there was a man who was invited to my town to give his story of having spent 90 minutes in heaven. After listening to a CD of one of the services, I returned to the better account of Another [Jesus] Who left heaven on a mission after spending a much greater length of time there. His description is one that lets you know that you need not doubt any of His description or wonder concerning what it is like and what is now going on there. It is shocking that people in the church will give ear to any person who says that they have experienced this phenomenon when they have One Who came out of eternity from there with a vivid description of its inhabitants and its activity.
Heaven is not a place where the saints go to set on thrones forever and ever, wearing white robes, and having harps in their hands. Work was given to Adam each day and was not carried out under a curse until the fall. Work shall return to that and we will be utterly happy doing the will of our Lord Who is also the King. The work that should have been described there taking place was not said to be of that nature.
Christ recorded in His book of truth this place and uses the Apostle John to tell and describe to us most perfectly heavenly life. His letter starts with Christ as the Word of God sent from heaven (Grk. singular) referring therefore to the third heaven. The 3 key words of John's writings are love, light, and life. "God is love," "God is Light," "God is Life."
            These words perfectly portray the order obtaining in the heaven of God the Father. These words suggest and show that earth's beauties and splendors are not worthy to be compared with the grace and glory yet to be revealed.
            In the third heaven, where Christ and those of His who have left their bodies now abide, Jesus let us know that LOVE is the satisfying impulse of everything there. LIGHT is the perfect intelligence in which all the inhabitants act. LIFE is the sufficient power by which they walk in LIGHT answering LOVE.
Love is their impulse. Light gives them intelligence. Life is their non-ending energy. Just like in the Garden of Eden before the fall.
            In the Father’s third heaven, LOVE is the reason of all the constant devotion and worship. LOVE is the inspiration of giving and receiving there. LOVE is the impulse of revelation and explanation constantly going on there. Every movement of the wing of the cherubim and every note of the song of the seraphim are alike LOVE impulsed. In heaven when LOVE impulses, LIGHT falls upon the pathway, and mistakes are never made through ignorance by any of heavens residents. There, in answer to LOVE, the inhabitants serve in perfect LIGHT; and they never grow weary for theirs is endless LIFE.
The contrast between the order of the third heaven and that obtaining on earth today is immediately openly manifest. No one is prepared to positively say that LOVE is the final reason of all the activity of the world today. Christ says "pray that it would become so." Men do not walk in perfect LIGHT even when it flashes upon their path, for, as in the days of Christ, so still, men love darkness rather than light, for their works are evil. Christ says, pray that men may come to LOVE LIGHT, and walk in it. And yet men have not LIFE sufficient to do the highest and the best even when they know it. They become weary and weariness is the touch of death. That is our condition in the world today and until His own begin to act this way, His Father holds Him there. Those whom we miss who have left us are praying with Him that we would begin to enjoy here what the third heaven now enjoys.
The man who claimed he had spent 90 minutes there gave no such description, but this large church was more than eager in giving him air time in the pulpit that was to spread the message of Christ. How sad.

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