
Saturday, December 15, 2012



At Christmas we celebrate the most unique event in human history. God, having come out of eternity past, existing in three separate personalities, Who came to a new state manifesting Himself on the planet earth which He had created, being born in a manger to a virgin. God Who is Spirit taking on flesh for our sakes. How unique is that.
America is in the process as well as the rest of the world of taking that event completely out of the picture of Christmas and making it a holiday where you can be happy. As a child growing up in this great nation, which was an adventure from all past nations and kingdoms, I have witnessed this evil Satanic process take place of his taking the place of God. He has them wishing me a happy holiday instead of a Merry Christmas.
I have witnessed and endured 17 presidents. All have aided in this process of decline. I have seen what America has labeled great leaders of major movements in this country and the shameful life styles that they led off the camera. I have seen Wednesday evenings, the time of the church prayer meetings turn into a night for the kids to play soccer, basketball, and other sporting events and the Christian schools that are the largest offenders.
Saturday night is now church night to get it out of the way for most people so they can sleep in on Sunday morning. The Church has been thoroughly Americanized.
I have seen America who had a Chevrolet dealership on every corner in this great land replace them with not 1 but 3 drug stores. They see that if their parents don't feel GOOD, they take a pill or two. Guess what they consider when they don't feel good? Are we on drugs or aren’t we? I saw America advertise to children walking to school that there might be drugs there by having one of our first ladies have them place “Say no to drugs” in almost every yard on my street. Most 6 or 7 year olds were introduced to something they were not even aware of. Tell almost every kid “no” and see for yourselves how the majority of them respond.
I have seen my America deny that there is a Creator and disallow even the mention of that fact in a school setting where they are acquiring life handling tools. My America removed prayer from the school system. Then we go so far as to teach our kids they descended from monkeys. Pencils has started to be replaced by guns. Care to argue. Connecticut just found out that America can’t even protect our kids. These kids can’t even leave their house without a possible tragedy happening before they get back home.
Christ came to save a child from these evil situations. Where they can pet a lion and pet the animals that now just as dangerous as the society around them at this point.
The Church is to be the pillar and ground of the truth. There is more sorrowful doctrines at this point in churches across America that the average citizen has little enticement to attend. Only by entertaining them, by diminishing the dress code, and changing the music to the style of the world have the Churches found out they can keep the offerings coming. The marriages within the Church house have no stats different from the world.
Sexual deviations are sending more and more of the membership to prisons unless the Church harbors them and that is common in several denominations. The Devil knows where he has to attack. He must attack where the pillar and ground of the truth lies within. Men marrying men, women marrying women, babies being aborted while whales are being protected. Satan must laugh at these scientists and lawmakers. Read Psalms 2 and see Who laughs finally. Whole cities were destroyed for these sins. And now America has determined after they rid themselves of God and His laws to okay such conduct.
But they have a problem.  The True Churches God is alive and living. “The Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.” 1 TIMOTHY 3:15
He came out of the grave even though they think that to be a fairy tale. That Baby that was born from a virgin was murdered but He didn’t stay in that grave. He is alive and well and I just spoke with Him. And He talks with me each day for I care what He thinks on issues. And His thoughts are much greater than the leaders of this world. He has nothing to prove to you or me for He has already done that. Before it is too late, do what He said to do and that was REPENT. Change your mind and attitude about Him and His birth, death, and RESURRECTION, God and His Bible. Bad news for a sinner who refuses to face the facts. Great and Joyous news for the ones that finally figure it out.

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