
Friday, June 30, 2017



“In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ.” Col. 2:11

Here, without hands. Paul, writing to the Gentile Christians at Colosse, would certainly not here be referring to literal circumcision, which he rejected as a ritual requirement for Gentiles (e.g., Gal. 5:2, 6). The “circumcision made without hands” refers to the spiritual significance of circumcision, which applies to Gentiles as well as Jews. The covenant that God had made with Abraham (Gen. 17:9-14) was to be signified by the physical rite of circumcision (cutting round). It was a national and earthly covenant, applicable only to the chosen nation fathered by Abraham, and did not of itself assure personal salvation in heaven to those who submitted to it. However, it should have encouraged in them and symbolized to them a spiritual separation also, dedicating themselves to serve the Lord and to do His will. Similarly, God’s people in any nation and any age should so dedicate themselves, cutting themselves off from the natural sins of the flesh. In that sense, every true believer has submitted to spiritual circumcision.

Thursday, June 29, 2017



“Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain, and showed^ Him all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory; and he said to Him, "All these things will I give You, if You fall down and worship me." Matt. 4:8-9
“From that time Jesus Christ began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised up on the third day. And Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, "God forbid it, Lord! This shall never happen to You. But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests, but man's." Matt. 16:21-23

Two preachers attempted to tempt Him from the pain and suffering entrance method into the Kingdom. Both Satan in the temptation, and Peter in Matt. 16:21-23. He had already consented to die by being baptized in the Jordan by John the Baptist. He turns His back from the suggestion that He omit the Cross, thus turning His back on the short and easy path of entrance into the Kingdom.
The offer of the Kingdoms of the Earth by Satan must have been horrible to Him, and still more the price that Satan asked. Satan has the right to offer what is his. The Kingdoms of the Earth are founded on force and maintained with deceit. They are Satan's own country, they are his Paradise regained. Satan sleeps every night on the pillows of the powerful. They pay material tribute to him, and give him daily offerings in thought and deed. But Jesus could have taken away their Kingdoms from the Kings without bending knee to the Adversary. He had only to offer men bread without work. If like a juggling charlatan He had opened a public theater of popular miracles, the multitude would have acclaimed Him. Had He wished to seem the Messiah for whom the Jews had been longing during their dreary slavery, He could have corrupted them with plenty and with marvels, He could have made of every land a country of grace and enchantment and He could have occupied at once every seat of the procurators of Satan.

But Jesus does not wish to be the restorer of the fallen kingdom, the conqueror of hostile empire(s). Authority is of little importance to Him and glory still less. The Kingdom which He announces and prepares has nothing in common with the Kingdom(s) of the Earth. His Kingdom is destined rather to bring to naught the Kingdom(s) of the Earth. The Kingdom of Heaven is in us, united and singular. Any day when a soul has turned to righteousness the Kingdom of Heaven is enlarged because it has acquired a new citizen, snatched from the Kingdom of Earth. When everyone is good and righteous, when all love their brothers as fathers love their sons, when even enemies love one another (if there still are enemies), when no one thinks of amassing treasure, and instead of taking away from others, every one gives bread to the hungry and clothing to those who are cold, where on that day will be the Kingdom of the Earth? Where will be the need for soldiers when no one wishes to enlarge his own land by stealing that of his neighbor? What need neither will there be for Kings when everyone has his law in his conscience and when there are no armies to command nor judges to select? What need will there be for money and for tribute when everyone is sure of his living and satisfied with it, and there are no wages to be paid to soldiers and servants? When everyone's soul is transformed, those so-called foundations of life which are named Society, Country and Justice will vanish like the hallucinations of a long night. This will be the outcome of the 1000 year reign of Christ. The word of Christ needs neither money nor armies. And if it really becomes the universal life of the conscience, everything that binds and blinds men, necessary unjust power, the criminal glory of battles, will fall like morning mists before sunlight and wind. The Kingdom of Heaven within is One and it will take the place of the Kingdom(s) of Earth, which are many. The liberated spirit will scarcely remember despotic flesh. Men will no longer be divided into Kings and subjects, masters and slaves, rich and poor, the arrogantly virtuous, the humble sinners, free and prisoners. The sun of God will shine on all, the citizens of the Kingdom will be one family of fathers and brothers and the gates of Paradise will be open again to the sons of Adam become as gods.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017



“For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.” 2 Pet. 2:4

The Universal Kingdom Always Exists Efficaciously Regardless of the attitudes of Its Subjects. Three general classes 
(1). Those who willingly perform His will.
(2) Those who unwillingly perform His will.
(3). Those who ignorantly perform His will. 1 John 3:4, 8 ASV with 2 Peter 2:4 - Satan and the Angels that Sinned

There are previous references in the Bible to the sin of Satan, but none to the “angels” that sinned, except in Gen. 6:1-4, where “the sons of God” took control of human women and their progeny. According to Jude 6, they “left their own habitation” in the heavens, seeking to corrupt all flesh on earth. For this crime, God “cast them down to hell” (Greek tartarus, the traditional prison of condemned angels, the lowest compartment of Hades), whence they will eventually be cast into “everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matt. 25:41).

Monday, June 26, 2017



“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” 2 Pet. 2:1

Funny that Peter would know over 2000 years ago the mindset of those in our world today. Those words he spoke tell of nations of people “among the people” and their leaders “teachers” having taken over the educational systems “privily” openly teaching the denial of Jesus Who owns them through His purchase on the cross and Who will bring about their swift destruction.
Seems we have an American Nation full of these people who treat truth as what they believe to be true or what they want to project to the masses as such. After a year of attacks against the President of the US with accusations that have found no basis they turn these vengeance to other false accusations and use the court system to bring their version of justice. The same thing happened to Jesus. Facts are invented with false witnesses and the popular opinion they have worked hard to stir up, forces the authority of the day to meet their unreasonable demands for the death of the movement. All while the Despot watches.
In this verse He is called a Despot by Peter, the Master. What a serious thing to be under the authority of Someone Who can upset everything in our lives without consulting us, and by a word can mark for us the moment of our departure! That is the government of God. We may say He is Lord and Master (John 13:13) and then fail to talk with Him daily and look at His word to find direction from Him but we only fool ourselves to think such nonsense. God is absolute monarch wherever He is King at all. His government is autocratic. He does not consult with us as to what He shall do with us, where He shall send us, what He would have us to do. Moreover, His government is an imperative government. He never permits us to make compromises with Him for a single moment. He speaks the word of authority and has every right to. He is the true Despot. He marks the path without ever consulting us, and having done so, our only relationship to that government is that of implicit, unquestioning, immediate obedience. Only a fool denies Him and His existence. (Psa. 14:1
Four levels of foolishness:
1). The simple who just don't know, but are teachable.
2). The hardened fool. One who is taught what is right and wrong but is obstinate and refuses to repent.
3). The arrogant who reject wisdom. Those who will turn wisdom taught to use against those who possess it. Best to be quiet with this sort.
4). The violent fool who attacks wisdom. Those who vent violence against those who possess wisdom.

False teachers deny His existence and His right of ownership.


What they believe - Since Jesus the Christ is Sovereign His words therefore are the final authority in all matters pertaining to the faith. Peter in 2 Pet. 2:1 as well as Jude in Jude 4 name Him the Despot, the Absolute Ruler, whom the true doctrine teaches to be the true Owner by right of purchase, Who bought them, and thereby their as well as our Master (2 Pet. 2:1). He also definitely endorsed the whole of the Old Testament canon even to the minutest detail (Luke 24:44). He likewise endorsed all that was to be written in the New Testament and declared that it had all the authority of His own words (Luke 10:16). Therefore, the Brethren, from the earliest point in their history have cherished the motto "The Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible." All interpreted under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, all inspired and breathed out by God.

Sunday, June 25, 2017



“For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers.” Rom. 1:9

For the priesthood of the members of the body of Christ even today, as also in the coming Kingdom, is only an activity of limited priestly service, such as is appropriate to saved sinners. We do not mediate between men and God, as some claim to be able to accomplish. Hence, there can be no possible objection to its continuance in the Kingdom, for then the priestly service will be rendered by perfected saints, no longer marred by sinful inclinations and infirmity.

Saturday, June 24, 2017



“And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:” Rom. 1:4

Grk. “horizo . . . huios . theos . dunamis kata . . pneuma . hagiosune . . anastasis . . nekros.”

Evidence of a debt paid completely. See 1 John 1:7 all sin-no more to be dealt with-done away. Take the Greek word for "declared" and Anglicize it. What is this word “declared,” “distinguished,” “marked out?” It is the word from which we have derived our word horizon. What is the horizon? The boundary. What is a boundary? The end? By no means. It is the beginning. If only I could transport you to the sea, you would understand my text. Standing on the land’s last limit there stretches the sea with its movement and its rhythm, its music and its laughter. What beyond? The horizon, the boundary. Is that the end? That is the beginning. Everything between me and the horizon I can comprehend. The mystery begins where the horizon bounds my vision. It is limitation. The limitation is only the limitation of my vision, not of the essential fact. Jesus did not become but was found to be the Son of God by the resurrection. Our sight ends, our faith begins and He is the One Who must teach us…John 13:13.

Thursday, June 22, 2017



“Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh.” Rom. 1:3


Words used of ordinary men to describe the beginning of human existence, It, was not difficult to describe the entrance of ordinary men into the world. Of such we say they are "conceived" and "born." Such terms express origin.
It was not so as to describe the entrance of the Son into human existence. The New Testament writers had to find terms which would describe, not the beginning of personal existence, but the coming into the world of human life on the part of One Who as God had always personally existed. Very seldom do the New Testament writers speak of Christ as having been "conceived" or "born", but they almost exhaust the resources of human language in the effort to make emphatic the great fact that He is different from ordinary men as regards His entrance into human life.
            Matt. 20:28
·         John 6:51
·         John 3:13
·         1 Tim. 1:15
·         John 3:17
·         1 John 3:5
·         Phil. 2:7 ASV
·         2 Cor. 8:9
·         Heb. 2:9
·         Heb. 10:5
·         Gal. 4:4
·         John 1:14
·         Heb. 2:14
·         Rom. 1:3
·         Rom. 8:3
·         Phil. 2:7a
·         Phil. 2:7c
·         Phil. 2:8
·         Heb. 2:17
·         1 Cor. 15:47

·         1 Tim. 3:16

Wednesday, June 21, 2017



“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Rev. 4:11

Why did He create this mess and put up with all this ignorant rebellion?
Worshiping the Creator and the Sustainer. The all consuming purpose of God in creation was to establish a Kingdom in the earth in which He could display His Glory in the Person of His Son. This display was to be made to creatures made in His image and therefore capable of apprehending, appreciating and applauding that display. Here creation has arrived at its purpose. To see Him as He is remains the longing of all that know Him as Savior. To have been redeemed and sanctified to perfection and therefore able to apprehend, appreciate and applaud His amazing perfect plan and its execution. To fall at His feet and throw crowns to Him is the revelation here given to us in John’s book of revealing.

God is everything. He exists by Himself and all creation comes out of Him. "For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him" (Col. 1:16). Here is the "for" Him.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017



“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Col. 3:2

A spiritual entity being that we are created in the image and likeness of God. That (image and likeness) which makes a man able to apprehend and submit to the authority of the Creator. But the mind needs to be reprogrammed, sanctified, and renewed. At glorification we get a new body and mind.
Heavenly mind: Saved along with our soul and body. Greater than Adams at creation who was not a caveman. He was created in the image and likeness of God and right away was given rights over God's creation. He was created a full adult with the same being true of his mind. Having just been created from dirt he stands and communicates with God and able to comprehend the words coming from his Creator. A mind capable of giving meaningful names to the animals paraded past him. Daily communication with God and learning as God spoke to his creature made in his image and likeness. Adam had all necessary faculties to not only name but manage God's intricate creation. Adam was a brilliant person, mentally perfect and God's view of His creation, which included Adam was very good. We use 5% of our total mental capacity. Adam used 100% of his.
Our thinking will be changed Rev. 21:4-5. We will think on only good things Isa. 65:17. No dirty laundry according to the Eagles. Only precious memories 1 Cor. 13:12. Our intellects will exceed that of Adam before the fall. Ours now is seeing darkly but Adam saw face to face. We shall at that point, only better. We will be open with a great thirst for learning, as a child. Our thinking will be reprogrammed according to the fear of God, Eph. 2:6-7. We will be redone for righteousness sake. We shall finally have a sound mind. We shall be thinking as Christ.
Who wants to hang around here?

This verse gives recognition of the two forces of which man is ever conscious-the upward pull and the downward pull with a declaration that wisdom consists in answering the upward.

Monday, June 19, 2017



“Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.” Col. 2:12

Since the rite of male circumcision was specifically a sign of identity with the earthly people of God, so this baptism has now become the necessary initiatory rite of all God’s people, whether male or female, Jew or Gentile, into the heavenly family of God. And by that I mean the spirit must be quickened, made alive from the dead. This baptism identifies the believer with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, as we are “buried with Him”, then “risen with Him” to a new spirit life. Water baptism does not facilitate new life for baptism in water does not save a person, while a quickened spirit brings new life and the power to overcome sin.
So we must ask the question: which baptism is Paul concerned with here, water or spirit?
1.    The element of water is not mentioned in this passage.
2.    The key to this passage is in verse 11 and in verse 14 "without hands" and "ordinances".
3.    This baptism is that which unites believer to Christ in death, burial, and resurrection.
4.    This baptism is undoubtedly the same as in Romans 6 which speaks of spirit baptism.
5.    If this is water baptism, then circumcision is the O.T. type, and infant baptism is valid.
6.    If this is water baptism, then Paul is inconsistent in his argument, for he is definitely against forms.
Obviously this is spirit baptism.

Water baptism symbolizes the tri-unity of God (Matt. 28:18-20).



“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.” Col. 2:8

It is significant that, despite the prominence of philosophy in the entire Graeco/Roman world, this is the only mention of the word “philosophy” (from a combination of two Greek words, meaning “love of wisdom”) in the Bible, and here God warns us against it. Similarly the only mention of philosophers (Acts 17:18) describes the two major philosophical schools of thought, both of which opposed Paul as he preached Christ. Paul may have been thinking mainly of the Epicureans and Stoics when he wrote this warning, but his divinely guided pen simply said to beware of all philosophy. The love of human wisdom characterizes every system of philosophy; they all follow the tradition of men and the elements of the world. Instead, men should love Christ, who is made true wisdom unto us (1 Cor. 1:30) and in whom are stored all the treasures of true wisdom and true knowledge. As Paul had already written, Christ had created and was sustaining everything (Col. 1:16-17). Any philosophy centered in men or so-called “gods,” rather than in the true God of creation, is bound to be false and harmful.

Sunday, June 18, 2017



“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him.” Col. 2:6

The figure of walking is employed with the subject of living. The idea of a destination and progress toward that destination is immediately the simplest and fullest suggestion. Life is considered as an effort toward a consummation. It is a walk along a highway that leads to a destiny. This book has enlightened us as to the Divine provision made for us so that we might now consider our responsibilities. Here we are beyond the Gospel which we needed when we read the Law, but here we are beyond the Gospel, knowing its terms, realizing its benefits, and facing now the obligations arising therefrom. "!" Gospel is implicated in the Title named of Christ Jesus the Lord suggesting both Savior and Sovereign. "As ye have therefore received” suggests the way by which the Gospel becomes of real value to us. We have to receive it, an act which implies the very opposite of anything like merit. It is simply the acceptance of a gift. Finally we should face a new responsibility of agreement with which is created when we receive the Gospel, and that is of walking humbly with Him, loving mercy, and doing justly.

<Christ> is a familiar title of His Saviorhood. The word "Christ" is but a Greek form of the old Hebrew word "Messiah," and its central thought is of anointing. The Hebrew thought of Messiah, as the Anointed One always had in it two elements, Kingship and Priesthood. The Messiah to the Hebrew was the King-Priest, both the One Who reigns and the One Who mediates. The title Christ suggests therefore government and grace, requirement and reconciliation, law and love, light and life. Consequently, in their very merging, in the fact that these two main factors are both perpetually suggested by the word "Christ," that word becomes the highest title of the Saviorhood of the Person referred to. He is surely King, governing, requiring, giving law, shedding light; but, with equal assurance, He is Priest, administering grace, bringing about reconciliation, expressing love, and communicating life to the souls on whom the light has fallen. The King is also the Priest. The King Who has highest authority, and Whose law has been broken, is the Priest mediating between Himself and the sinner who has broken His law. The lawgiver--never for one moment lowering the standard of the requirement, never consenting to condone sin or pass it over as though it did not matter--is yet the Lover of my soul Who comes to me in the state of bondage and pollution which results from my breaking of His law, and so deals with me that the chains are broken and the pollution is cleaned, and I can find my way back into the place of loyalty to His highest Kingship. Consequently, the Cross is the appointed place where God and the soul meet, keep their appointment, pass into agreement, for the Cross is the throne of the King and the altar of the Priest.

Saturday, June 17, 2017



“That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ.” Col. 2:2

The real secret of godliness is unveiled (Col. 1:26-27). Its source is the imparted life of God in the person of His Son (2 Pet. 1:3). It displays itself in outward conduct (works) but it draws its life from the inner resources of Him who is godliness, like God in every respect because He is God (Col. 2:2). But one has to be very careful with their determination of godly works for those that Christ condemned thought they were doing the works of God in Matt. 7:22-23. For the religious the works of God remain a mystery so they are forced to guess. "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. He claims He NEVER knew them which means they NEVER knew Him.
In an earlier epistle Paul places this secret in bold contrast with the godliness of the Old Testament. "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I that live, but Christ lives in me: and that life which I now live in the flesh I live in faith, the faith which is in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me" (Gal. 2:20 ASV). This secret, which up to this point was a mystery is now made known to men and is the greatest fact of the Christian faith. The real have works like Christ while the fake just do religious tasks.

The phrase mystery occurs in the record of another of the Apostle's prayers. His desire for all the saints was that they might know "The mystery of God, even Christ." That he desired this shows us that in the true Christian sense a mystery is not something which cannot be known. It is something which man is unable to discover or explain; but it is something which may be disclosed to him and which therefore he may know. And that is perhaps Paul's ultimate word about Christ. The last word has never yet been spoken about Him. There is nothing more wonderful than the persistence and ever-increasing discussion of all sorts and conditions of thinking men concerning the Person of our Lord. The subject is never exhausted; it never becomes out of date. Again and again men feel that they have formulated a Christology, only to find that some others have seen other facts not included in their system. And so He moves on, the Enigma of the ages, the inclusive Word, Whose ultimate secret is not expressed, the very mystery of God. Nevertheless through all the intellectual processes, He finds the heart of man, and gives Himself to it, so that in Him it finds rest, joy, satisfaction. Multitudes of simple souls who are unequal to any explanation live in daily comradeship with Him. They know Him, and know Him well. They are more intimate with Him than with their dearest earthly friends. They tell Him all their griefs and joys, their doubts and hopes, their successes and failures, and they hear Him speak to them positively, prevailingly He is indeed the Mystery of God, profound in the wonder of His being, and yet so real that the tiniest child talks of Him with sweet familiarity.

Friday, June 16, 2017



“To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, for the sons of Korah, Maschil, A Song of loves. My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” Psa. 45:1

The beauty of this Psalm is universally recognized. It is always treated as celebrating a royal wedding The title refers to it as "A Song of Loves." Rotherham gives "A royal marriage," as descriptive title; and Kirkpatrick calls it "A nuptial ode." All these descriptions are justified by the context. Nevertheless, its high note is given in the words we have emphasized. The first verse consists of the writer's introduction to his song and in these particular words he gives us the subject on which he wrote. He was speaking of "Things . . . touching the king"; and there is more in the Psalm than the wedding. Here again opinions differ as to the particular king to whom reference was made. From the earliest times it has been considered as definitely Messianic; and that by Jewish, as well as Christian expositors. In that way we may study it most profitably. What, then, are the things touching the king which it celebrates? We will endeavor to tabulate them: (1) His beauty and grace of character (vs. 2). (2) His equipment and purpose in conflict (vv. 3, 4). (3) His power in conflict (vs. 5). (4) His victory, and consequent enthronement and glory (vv. 6-8). (5) His consort, her devotion, her beauty, her companions (vv. 9-15). (6) His seed-royal, reigning in the earth (vs. 16). (7) His complete triumph (vs. 17). Perhaps nowhere in Old Testament writings do we find a nearer approach to the disclosure of the secret of the Church than in this Psalm. It remained, however, a secret (see Eph. 3:4, 5; Col. 1:26, 27). For us, in the light of the complete unveiling of God's plans and purposes through Christ, this song is full of beauty and value.

Thursday, June 15, 2017



“And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.” Rev. 19:8

The threefold perfecting work of sanctification finished and in full view. This bride is to be arrayed in fine white linen. This linen is the righteousness of the saints, that is, their righteous acts. “Righteousness” is actually in the plural, and could well be rendered “righteous deeds.” We who are saved shall have removed the “filthy rags” of our own self-righteousness (Isa. 64:6) and have “put on Christ” (Gal. 3:27), with His “garments of salvation,” and His “robe of righteousness” (Isa. 61:10). By His grace, He will use the very righteous deeds and good works which He created in us to perform (Eph. 2:10) as the material for the fine linen of our raiment.
Exposure of sin is a terrible thing. It is even more difficult to admit one is wrong. But this is granted to her; it is graced to her. The work of salvation is then complete and the old nature is completely gone. Thus because of this completion of grace, the bride will be able to perform this duty. Thus will she be completely prepared to stand beside the spotless Son of God and say "I do" to him.
fine linen  Garments have always clothed the righteousness of a person. Cf. Gen. 3:21.
Her external beautiful garments symbolizes her having been cleansed of all internal defilement. In the bad ethical sense it symbolizes self-righteousness, e.g. Isa 64:6. See Phil 3:6-8 showing the best that a moral and religious man under law could do. In the good ethical sense the garment symbolizes
(1) the basic provision of God's salvation by grace through faith in Christ, the "garments of salvation . . . a robe of righteousness [Gk. <dikaiosune>] " (Isa 61:10; Rom 3:21); and

(2) the garment of "fine linen . . . the righteous acts [from Gk. <dikaioma>]  of the saints," as here in vs. 8, works of godliness and goodness produced by the Holy Spirit, as the believer judges the flesh and yields himself to God (Rom 13:14). These are the "good works" unto which we are "created in Christ Jesus" (Eph 2:10), with which believers are to adorn themselves to bring honor to Christ's name here (Mat 5:16; 1 Tim 2:10; Titus 2:8 - 10; 3:8; 1 Pet 2:12; 3:3 - 5; 5:5) and hereafter (Rom 2:7,10; 1 Cor. 3:12-14, note; Phil 1:10-11; 1 Pet 1:7; Rev 19:8).

Tuesday, June 13, 2017



“For true and righteous are His judgments: for He hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of His servants at her hand.” Rev. 19:2

See my previous article on Rev. 4:11 titled the “ALL CONSUMING PURPOSE REACHED”. The Call to Rejoice in Rev. 18:20-24 is now taken up and four Hallelujahs Follow:
•The exclamation of praise from the great company of the redeemed resound through heaven. Vs. 1
•The expulsion of the whore from competition with the true bride is the reason for such praise. vs. 2
•The extinction of the whore deserved and eternal is another reason for Hallelujah. Vs. 3
•The exclamations of praise come from the 24 elders and the four beasts. They worship. Vs. 4

Too much petty judgment of family, friends, and others result in relationships that are severed. In the Christian community we are to avoid such judgments towards those that are Christ's and Who He says He is alone able to judge correctly. Many might think of His sheep as sinners that deserve their judgment and the church body has that responsibility but when the end comes on this earth what things would we like to redo? Life on this earth is the proving grounds for how well we are able to rule and reign with Him in His kingdom back here on earth when we return with Him. And at that point we shall possess the mind of Christ with no urge to sin in our thoughts, actions, and judgments we will make ruling in the Kingdom of God. Will we remember those mis-judgments we made while on this earth the first time? Those will have been tossed into the sea as many other things we should toss there at this point.

Monday, June 12, 2017



Do you feel as though we are in a lawless age? Sin is an appalling mystery as to its origin in the individual soul and life; in itself it is lawlessness, revolt against the law of God; and it expresses itself in a thousand ways as revolt against the law of man. Our age is particularly characterized by the restless spirit of lawlessness. Everywhere there are signs of mental, moral, social, theological, lawlessness; the refusal to recognize authority, or to be bound even by contracts which men make between themselves. "He is not my president, cops are corrupt, etc." Lawlessness is of the very essence of sin, a poison at the heart of man, a virus at the center of human life, that which prevents the realization of high ideals in individuals and in humanity. It is that which ultimately destroys man and destroys nations. I have never yet heard of a person being asked to sign a pledge against it. This is a very significant fact, revealing, first of all, that men do not as a rule deal with sin, but with sins; not with the malady but with the symptoms; we are always in danger of dealing with the surface of things, instead of getting down to the central trouble. On the other hand, perhaps, no pledge has ever been asked against it because of the subconscious conviction of humanity that it is something with which humanity cannot deal.
So a name is given to the Mystery of Lawlessness as it operates in human society. From here, the evil thing is seen running on through all succeeding ages of the history of man, until it comes to final expression, and is destroyed. This story of Babel is that of man's attempt to realize a social order in defiance of a Divine purpose. The purpose of God was the full realization of the race, and that necessitated the replenishing of the whole earth by the scattering of men over all its face. Man took counsel against this scattering, and attempted to realize a State at Shinar, "lest we be scattered abroad." In order to the fulfillment of the larger purpose, God confused their language and drove the nations into separation. The purpose of the scattering was that of the larger gathering which should fulfill His purpose. He confused their schemes that His plan might be realized. This is not only an ancient story; it is the story of a perpetual process. Over and over again men have sought to establish themselves either in rebellion against, or without reference to, the Divine plans. Throw God and His Bible out the door. The result has always been confusion. God has never permitted humanity to realize a social order from which He is excluded, nor will He do so to the end. Such an order would mean the limiting and ultimate destruction of humanity. Therefore He confuses all such attempts, and, compelling men to work out their own false conceptions to their logical issue which destroys them.
There is another mystery, the mystery of godliness. The New Testament speaks of both. The mystery of lawlessness has many manifestations. It manifests itself in one man in reckless sensuality, in the plunge into the vulgar and bestial. It manifests itself in another man in cynical selfishness, selfishness which is so absolutely selfish that it dare not sin vulgarly, has not the courage to do it. Lawlessness expresses itself in one man in actual murder, and in another man in a cynical contempt for suffering and indifference to the agonies of men. As God is my witness I do not know which one is the more terrible manifestation of lawlessness, but the latter I think. I can understand the rush of blood, the red passion that strikes a blow; that is lawlessness, and it is terrible; but, oh, the terror of the form of lawlessness which has so little recognition of the throne of God, and so little recognition of the claims of humanity, that it is content to live for self and minister to self, shutting its doors that it may never see the objectionable things outside. There may be all the perfumes of Arabia, and all the upholstery of Damascus; but in the sight of heaven whose God is love, and Who is prepared to die for humanity, it is the very ultimate of hell, and the most terrible form of lawlessness. The self-centered cynical man will say hard things about the sensualist and the murderer. We still measure ourselves among ourselves, and compare ourselves as with ourselves; and we find satisfaction while thus we put the little measurements of dust on our lives; but all the while God sees the leprosy of lawlessness and the rottenness of our godless culture.
                But there is another mystery. “Great is the mystery of godliness; He Who was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit, seen of angels [messengers], preached among the nations, believed on in the world, received up in glory.” This mystery of godliness is also spiritual. There has been one manifestation of it in human history. Jesus Christ lived and wrought and served, not independently, but dependently on God. He manifested in the midst of human history the glory and beauty of true life, law-abiding and submissive. But He did infinitely more, He went outside the camp to meet the sinner, and in some wonderful mystery of infinite compassion to place His pure life at the disposal of the impure man, so that being communicated to him his sinfulness may be cleansed, and the man made to live.

Sunday, June 11, 2017



“The LORD did there confound the language of all the earth.”  Gen. 11:9

The Confusion of Tongues – NATIONALISM OR GLOBALISM
                Following the institution of human government in Gen. 9:6, therefore, it should not be surprising to find next in the order of the Genesis account what has been called "The Table of Nations" in Gen. 10. In this remarkable document from the past we are given a glimpse of the birth of nations, the building of cities, and the founding of empires - all of which implies the existence of social and governmental organization. The story of the Tower of Babel with its confusion of tongues, which follows in Gen. 11, seems to have been introduced at this particular point in the record for the purpose of explaining the existence and wide dispersal of the nations named in the previous chapter.
                The implications of the Babel story point to the Plurality of nations, in opposition to any central world government, as something definitely in harmony with the purpose of God. The intentions of builders at Babel are stated in Gen. 11:4 as follows: "Let us the build us a city and a tower ... and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." Apparently the city was to provide a world center for the human race, and the monumental tower was to serve as a physical and spectacular symbol of world unification. Having lost in the Fall that inward and spiritual unity of the race which was centered in God, men now resort to the establishment of an external unity. We have here the first recorded urge of sinful men toward the "one world" global idea of social and governmental organization.
                In this connection a question naturally arises: Why would not such a world organization have been a good thing? Would this not, as it is still being argued today, preserve the unity of mankind and thus avoid the confusion and strife which has been historically associated with a multiplicity of nations and governments? Ideally, of course, one world government would seem to furnish the answer to many difficult problems, provided the world was made up of only the right kind of people. But the trouble has been that, ever since the fall of Adam, the world has had the wrong kind of people-- "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3:23). And in such a world there is mortal danger in a single and total world government. As someone has acutely observed, political power always corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Originally America started with the understanding of the danger of a king or monarch. And as we have witnessed the democratic implementation of the 3 separate divisions has found ways to corrupt even the best of intentions. Obviously America also has the wrong kind of people living within its borders.
                The judgment of God upon this first attempt at one world government was not only a clear warning against all such schemes but also an endorsement of what is called "nationalism." Although not the ideal form of human organization, nationalism has proven the safest for the preservation of personal liberty in a sinful world. And America has been a spectacle of personal liberty even as the society attempts to globalize and continues to erode those personal liberties as government takes over all aspects of the free society - education, healthcare, etc. In the world market of political ideas and forms, there will be competition and experiment just as long as there are many nations. And, in the end, such competition and experiment always work out for individual liberty and the development of distinctive cultural values, which then may be mutually shared between nations. In a sinful race left to its own devices, one monolithic world state might conceivably put an end to all further political experiment and result in an irreversible totalitarianism.
                The nature of the divine judgment upon this first try at a World State is deeply interesting. It is generally conceded that the cement that holds men together in groups and nations is what we call a common culture, and the very core of such a culture is found in language, man's marvelous ability to communicate ideas. It was exactly at this point that the judgment of God struck: the common bond of "one language" was supernaturally destroyed, and the multiplication of tongues led to the formation of different groups and, ultimately, nations. For the chief obstacle to the achievement of the one world state of "Internationalism," it has often been recognized, is the barrier of language. The very headphones worn by the delegates of the various member nations at meetings of the United Nations' organization are a witness to the divinely imposed safeguard against the menace of one total world government established by sinful men.

                It is true that later the kingdom of Babylon became the golden head of an empire that held authority "wheresoever the children of men dwell" (Dan. 2:38). However, it must not be overlooked that this was an empire established by divine sanction, as indicated clearly by the address of Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar: "Thou, O king, art a king of kings; for the God of heaven bath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength, and glory. And wheresoever the children of men dwell ... hath he given into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler over them all" (Dan. 2:37-38). Furthermore, it is open to serious question whether this universal authority, although conferred by God Himself, was ever actually exercised by Nebuchadnezzar over all peoples in all places. Certainly, the three so-called world empires which followed never completely succeeded in subduing all the different nations on earth; nor were they able to perpetuate their comparatively brief existence without unceasing struggles; and in the end they fell before attacks by peoples of other language areas. In the long history of sinful humanity there will be only one truly universal world empire (called "the kingdom of the world" in Rev. 11:15, ASV), and that will be achieved by superhuman means at the hand of Satan's own ruler, the Antichrist, whose brief span of world dominion will be definitely limited by God to exactly 1260 days. Even here, however, this final empire will not be achieved without divine sanction; for his universal authority will be "given unto him" from above (Rev 13:7)

Saturday, June 10, 2017



“And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all.” Rev. 18:14

It is difficult to arrive at any absolute definition of the soul. It is possible, however, to note some of the reactions of the soul from the use of the word in the New Testament.

(1) The soul rests (Matt. 11:29).
(2) The soul is troubled (Matt. 26:38).
(3) The soul praises (Luke 1:46).
(4) The soul fears (Acts 2:43).
(5) The soul hears (Acts 3:23).
(6) The soul desires (Rev. 18:14).
(7) The soul feels (John 18:18 "cold" is from same root).

Thus it would seem that the soul is that element of the person which registers sensation. It registers the sensations of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling. Any information received through these senses the soul manipulates and interprets. It is obvious that the natural man is a man who operates in the realm of the soul.
The personal hell here is seen in action where the person has all these sensations that have been obtained while on earth but lacks the body to care for these sensations. And these desires and lusts have no operational vehicle forever.

Friday, June 9, 2017



“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Rev. 4:11

God wins. A vision of the SELF-EXISTENCE of God teaches men that the supreme and all-consuming purpose of God in creating is to bring glory to Himself. God is everything. He exists by Himself and all creation comes out of Him. "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him" (Col. 1:16). In the consummation of the age, this purpose will be achieved and all intelligences will acknowledge that, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created"
Worshiping the Creator and the Sustainer. The all consuming purpose of God in creation was to establish a Kingdom in the earth in which He could display His Glory in the Person of His Son. This display was to be made to creatures made in His image and therefore capable of apprehending, appreciating and applauding that display. Here creation has arrived at its purpose.
“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him.” Col. 1:16

Alva McClain stated in his book "The Greatness of the Kingdom" stated that "The all-consuming purpose of God in creation was to establish a Kingdom on the earth, in which He could display His glory in the Person of His Son. This display of His glory was to be made to creatures made in His image, and therefore, capable of apprehending, appreciating, and applauding His glory. The unfolding drama of the Bible depicts the movements of God in the accomplishment of that purpose."

Thursday, June 8, 2017



“And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” Rev. 1:6

The duty of the Priest is described in Lev 10:10; Ezek 22:26. The priesthood was really an accommodation to human weakness, and never a Divine intention or provision. It emerges in a most startling way. In Exod. 18 we discover that when God emancipated a people from slavery and led them out with a high hand and outstretched arm into a large place, He brought them unto Himself, and the words that Moses was commissioned to speak to them were practical words of the New Testament, which came with greater meaning in the fullness of time: "I have chosen you to be unto Me, a kingdom of priests."  In that declaration there is not the slightest suggestion of the creation of a cast of priests in the Divine economy and purpose, but rather the creation of a nation in which the individual was to be a priest. "I will make you (Israel) unto Me a kingdom of priests," that was the Divine intention for Israel. The people shrank from the high and awful function, were filled with fear in the presence of Jehovah, and naturally so: they were so filled with fear because of the consciousness of their sinfulness and inability. As in all Divine dealings with men, this was done to accommodate human weakness. Because the people could not rise to the high level of realizing their personal priesthood, a particular cast (Levites) was created for a while to fulfill the function of priesthood on behalf of the people. This priesthood continued through the centuries and from beginning to end was a story of corruption, of partial light eclipsed in darkness, of movement meant towards the higher but forever falling to the lower, until the last act of the priesthood was the inspiration that resulted in the murder of the Son of God. Our earthly priestly duties are stated by Paul in Rom 15:16 "...ministering as a priest the gospel of God." Our Lord was the Firstborn, and so was a Priest according to the original Divine arrangement, and not according to the Levitical order. All those who are redeemed by Him, exercise a priesthood which results from their birthright in Him, and so have no need of any order of men to represent them in priestly work. In this way also the order of Levitical priesthood is done away in Christ.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017



“Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.” 1 John 3:1

We can be called “sons of God” because we have been “created in Christ Jesus” (Eph. 2:10), and are thus “new creatures” in Him (2 Cor. 5:17). Only those specially created by God (e.g., Adam and the angels—(Luke 3:38; Job 38:7) can properly be called “sons of God.” In the last three chapters of this epistle, those who have been thus uniquely “born of God” are said to “not commit sin” (1 John 3:9), “love one another” (1 John 4:7), “believeth that Jesus is the Christ” (1 John 5:1), “overcometh the world” (1 John 5:4), and “keepeth himself” (1 John 5:18).

The matter of importance here is not the English word but the Greek word of which it is a translation. The Greek word in English letters which is translated manner is the word <potapos>, which really means "whatever," but always in the interrogatory form, that is, in the form of a question, so that what John really meant here was this, "Behold, whatever love is this that the Father hath bestowed on us?" It is as though he said, "What possible sort of love is this?" It is an exclamation of wonder and excitement. That is the real value of this word "manner."

Monday, June 5, 2017



“Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” 1 John 3:2

Adam and Eve were supernaturally and suddenly created by God; they did not gradually evolve from the animal kingdom. They were created physically; not just spiritually. They were created in the image and likeness of their personal, infinite, eternal Creator; not like animals which lack that image. They were created by God to exercise total dominion as "king and queen" over a perfect and complete world; they did not rule as subordinates to a fallen angel (Satan) in a world full of the marks of destruction, death or decay. They were not only unique in their physical perfection in all of human history, but were also the most brilliant human beings the world will ever know, apart from Christ, their incarnate Creator, until the day of glorification when all of God's people will be like Him when they see Him as He really is (1 John 3:2). Intelligence at a 100% level instead of 3-5% as we have today.

Surely the words of rebuke given by our Lord to the two on the road to Emmaus must be applicable to many Christians today: "O foolish men and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken" (Luke 24:25). Our basic problem today in the question of origins is not so much that we are ignorant of the theories and speculations of men. Our problem too often is that we know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God, and therefore deeply error in communicating God's message to modern man. May God be pleased to grant to each of us a renewing of our minds through submission to His special revelation of truth in His infallible Word, that we might prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Sunday, June 4, 2017



“But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.” 1 John 2:20

He declared the opportunity for human restoration. He said, "No man can come to Me, except the Father which sent Me draw him," (John 6:44) and He was careful to explain that every man is drawn of the Father sooner or later in some way. He quoted from the ancient prophets, saying, "It is written in the prophets, and they shall all be taught of God." (John 6:45) When we turn to the prophecies in Isaiah and Jeremiah from which He quoted these words, we find that in each case the declaration was made when the prophet was singing of the restoration of the lost order, "And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children." (Isa. 54:13; Jer. 31:34) Continuing, our Lord revealed human responsibility in the words "Every one that hath heard from the Father, and hath learned, cometh unto Me." When men are drawn of the Father, not all who hear will come; but all who hear and learn will come, The movement which issues in the restoration of a man from his degradation must come from God, and from Him alone; but every man is so appealed to, every man is so drawn of the Father; and human responsibility is that not of hearing alone, but of learning, and obeying, and answering. cp. 1 Cor. 2:10; 1 Thes. 4:9.