
Friday, November 2, 2012



The New Testament was written in Koine Greek - the language of the common man.
For scientific men of today. -- The mass of men on the earth have not had scientific training. An intelligent scientist would address his audience in the language of appearance, in order to be understood. The Bible does the same thing. Otherwise the Bible would have to be written in the terms of final science, and could not be understood even today.
A once famous Dr. told this story when he was with a group engaged in archeological work. They were sitting by a camp fire. A young medical student introduced an ingenius game. He gave to each contestant a line from the familiar old nursery song--"There was an old (black man), and his name was Ned, and he died long, long ago." The rule was that each contestant should reduce his line to the best scientific language.
The man who won had this line: "Ned had no hair on the top of his head in the place where the hair ought to grow." His diction read as follows:
"Ned possessed no follicle appendages on the cutaneous apex of his cranial structure, anterior to the sagittal suture and posterior to the lambdoidal suture, where said follicle appendage habitually germinate."
The doctor remarked, "What a way to say that the man was bald."
God came down to our level with a message that every man regardless of his degree needs to understand. God's exact Book has truthful science statements within that even I can understand.

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