
Sunday, November 18, 2012


A foundational Grace Brethren ordinance.

John 13 account
1 Cor 11:28 on preparation for
"......prove (examine) yourself, and so...."
These words are blazoned over the portal of every place where the members of the Christian fellowship gather together to observe the Holy Ordinance of "threefold Communion." It is the act in which the soul is called upon to exercise the highest function of its ransomed nature, that of worship in its purity (with clean feet), and in which it is strengthened for the exercise by the fullest realization of fellowship with the Risen Lord in anticipation of His final ministry work with our glorification. All that reveals the utmost and high importance of this injunction. Before the holy hour of fellowship and of worship, there should be solemn self-examination. Opportunity is given at the onset of the threefold service for repentance in the foot-washing. The Table of the Lord is not the place for the confession of sin, that must precede it, for the Bride is seated wearing white robes. He wants and demands perfect worship. The absolution of our High Priest is to be sought and found before we enter into the Holy of Holies to offer to Him the sacrifices of our adoration. So, we are to eat the bread and drink the cup, as cleansed worshippers, having no more consciousness of sins, and therefore ready to offer worship to Him in spirit and truth. It is at our peril that we neglect such preparation.
Picture and symbolic of the threefold ministry of Christ with His bride while on this earth.
1. Past - Bread and Cup
2. Present - Sanctification  and perfecting of His bride Footwashing
3. Future - Marriage supper in white robes having been glorified.
Paul's term describing the nature of the Lord's Supper and thus the term used by many church groups to refer to their celebration of Jesus' final, memorial supper with His disciples. Paul used the Greek term koinonia to express the basic meaning of the Christian faith, a sharing in the life and death of Christ which radically creates a relationship of Christ and the believer and of the believers with one another in a partnership or unity.
 This took place one full day before the Passover Feast of the Jews. The stipulation of the O.T. law provided that this feast begin on the opening of the 5th day of the month. The Lamb was to be chosen on the 10th day of the month (Exod 12:3). The Lamb was to be kept til the 14th and killed about 3 o'clock (Exod 12:6). The Lamb shall be eaten after sundown and nothing shall remain till the morning (Exod 12:10). The testimonies of the Gospels are in complete accord with the O.T. The apostle John is in complete accord with this (John 13:1, 27-29; John 18:28; John 19:14, 31). The testimony of the other Gospels also support this. (Luke 22:16 ARV, not RSV or ASV; Mark 15:42 which declares the preparation day was before the feast day; Mat 27:62 which says that Christ was in the tomb on the feast day, the 15th). The conclusion must be that Christ instituted this communion one day before the Passover. Christ would not have eaten the Passover ahead of time, nor out of the prescribed rules (Mat 5:17 cf Num 9:10-13). Christ must die at the appointed time for the Passover to fulfill the type (1 Cor 5:7). What was instituted was not a perpetuation of O.T.forms, but something new for the church.
 The order for the Communion Service. The number of events comprising the communion service is three. John makes reference to the feet washing and the supper (John 13:2, 4, 12, 18). Matthew, Mark, and Luke all refer to the supper and the Eucharist (Mat 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:17-20). Paul also makes reference to the supper and the Eucharist (1 Cor 11:17-34).
 The chronological order of events is also quite clearly marked. The feet washing service took place first. (John 13:2, 4, 12; Vs 2 variant: aorist participle; present participle). The supper then took place (Mat 26:26-28; 1 Cor 11:17ff). The Eucharist took place after supper (1 Cor 11:25; Luke 22:20).
 The Christian order in these events is especially important. The feet washing service comes first, symbolizing the present ministry of Christ picturing also the final worksof the Master. This is cleansing in order for fellowship as well as the final cleansing needed for fellowship with the Father as well as entrance into the new home. The supper or love feast comes next, symbolizing the future ministry of Christ. This is enjoyment of the fellowship of the saints. The Eucharist comes last, symbolizing the past ministry of Christ. This is the foundation for the above ministries and blessings. While this may appear to be out of order, it must be remembered that this service is for those who are already redeemed. They need cleansing for fellowship. Then comes the fellowship. Finally they must be reminded that this is all based upon the redeeming work of Christ.
 The nature of the Communion service. It is for the purpose of setting forth Christ as the great servant of the One that sent Him in salvation (Mat 20:28). He is here set forth as the great Deacon for the purpose of ministering to the necessities of life especially at the end for it says He loved them until the end. His practice was vigorous in the performance of duties. His passion was that of advancing the cause of another at the sacrifice of His self. In order to do all this He took the form of a servant of His Father (Phil 2:7) and declared I am among you as One that serveth (Luke 22:27). In the threefold communion service this abstract truth is made very real.
 The communion service sets forth Christ's threefold ministry by three appropriate symbols. The past ministry of Christ (Mat 20:28 cf 1 Cor 11:26) using the symbols of the bread and the cup (1 Cor 11:23-25). The present and future ministry of Christ (Eph 5:26) using the symbol of the feet washing service. The future ministry of Christ (Luke 12:37) symbolized by the love feast (1 Cor 11:17ff).
 The believer is fully reminded that salvation is wholly of the Lord. It is the Lord who lays the foundation for salvation. The Eucharist is the reminder of this. It is the Lord Who presently cleanses the believer from defilement as well as at the end before entering the new home. The feet washing teaches us of this. It is the Lord Who comes for and serves the saint in the future. The love feast reminds us of this.
Cf. article PROBLEMS WITH OUR INTERPRETATION for a full teaching on the feet washing service.

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