
Friday, December 14, 2012



Ever wonder why the Lord hasn’t returned the Second Time that He promised was going to happen at any moment? "If I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."-John 14:3. The Book of Revelation answers that question. Revelation is an unveiling of the answer to this question centered upon a Person Who is seen working to bring this about. That Person is Jehovah as quotes reveal this from the O.T. where His work started in Genesis at the fall. Revelation reveals the culmination of that work that the whole Triune Godhead has been engaged in from the start. There has been a lot of farming going on.
There is revealed that there are two crops in this harvest called wheat and tares. The tares are to be burned. He uses several tools in the accomplishment towards the end of this war. His instruments do not make it a fair fight; earthquakes, lightning, thunders, forces of the air, plagues, using both good and bad angels who are all under His command. His power is seen to be both constructive and destructive. These two activities are seen operating through the entire book, and always through the same Person.
This Person is unveiled to be Jehovah, the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the beginning and the end, the Lord God, which is and which was and which is to come, the Almighty. Jehovah tells us to fear not as the times get tougher and tougher, for He is the first and the last and the Living One; and I was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore. God will never make peace with sin or evil until His war is over and His victory won. In passing, when did Jehovah die and come back to life? At the Cross, grave, and time of resurrection. And that is where the Jehovah won the war. That is my Jehovah Witness.
One last thing has to happen before the harvest begins. Since it is a double harvest, there will be a harvest of evil; evil must work itself out to its final manifestation. It will not be smothered. It is to be seen, not upon the housetop of the earthly city merely, but in the universe of God. What dignity rests upon this little planet of ours that is to be the scene of the working out of evil, in order for evils destruction. And we cannot be mistaken about the progress evil has been making here of late. All good will eventually be made to be bad. All right will eventually be wrong. You will no longer be able to read blogs which have these type of words. Christianity and Church will no longer be what Christ started and religion will be everywhere. But all will be false. The Bible will have its easy to read interpretations that will no longer lead people to Christ and the blood Jehovah shed on that Cross to redeem the remnant that will have left the earth earlier. They will have been resurrected and transformed into His image just as He promised where destruction making ready for construction will be taking place on the little planet earth.
Is there life anywhere else? It isn’t on Mars or Pluto or anywhere else that science keeps hoping. It is in the third heaven and they don’t have a rocket big enough to get there.
Are you ready to be harvested? If you say not, you are part of this American Church society that is in desperate condition with its poor thoughts about Christ and His plan. To that person that thinks he or she is not ready, get that dusty Bible off the shelf, ask Him to bring you to understanding what life is really all about and reread His book and keep asking Him for understanding.
He desires from the beginning for you to be with Him forever in a mansion He built, not you. He will furnish it and equip it to His liking knowing your eternal needs. He knows what forever is all about. He came out of it and is taking us to it.

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