
Monday, July 30, 2018



"Thy Father Who seeth in secret" Matt. 6:4

That is in some sense the central light upon a section of our Lord's ethical teaching. He had warned His disciples against doing righteousness to be seen of men; and He applied that warning in the matters of offerings, prayer, and fasting. The one conditioning motive in each case must be that of the DIVINE APPROVAL. This being so, we are to remember that our Father SEES IN SECRET. In this assurance there is great seriousness, and great comfort. The soberness is created as we remember His holiness. NOTHING CAN BE HIDDEN FROM THE EYES OF ETERNAL PURITY. He knows why we give or pray or fast. We may deceive others, and unless we are ever conscious of the watching eyes of God, we may deceive ourselves. Him we cannot so deceive. ALL THINGS ARE NAKED AND OPEN TO THE EYES OF HIM WITH WHOM WE HAVE TO DO (Heb. 4:13).
All this is most solemnizing, and yet its chief note is that of COMFORT. The very sense of fear which the statement creates in the soul is of the nature of health. It makes us afraid of the base, the shameful, the impure; for He approves the high, the decent, the pure. And more, it is good to know that HE SEES IN SECRET, and understands when men misunderstand. That great confidence has enabled men and women to endure with courage and cheerfulness in terrible hours of criticism and suffering. The certainty that OUR FATHER SEES IN SECRET is a sanctuary into which we may retire at all times, for correction, for encouragement, and for comfort. Let that knowledge be at all times and under all circumstances the INSPIRATION and STRENGTH of our lives.

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