
Sunday, June 29, 2014


Overcome - conquer, master.
  • Overcomers are not ones that are still struggling with the same sins over and over again. By grace they are given strength to rid themselves of that sin, Grace is a power of God working in man. (1 Cor. 15:10) and then God grants grace for the next sin. Many sins encompass an individual until they finally come to the stature of Christ at the end of the threefold ministry of Christ with the believer (John 13). Finally 1 John 3:2 is true.
  • The ones who continue with the same sins over and over again are seen in Rev. 21:8 still attempting to conquer the listed sins or even acknowledge them as sins because the new religion of America has approved to a point all those listed with their new theology which is remodeled Pantheism. "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
 And then some preachers teach that saints can have a besetting sin they just can't conquer. Cf. Heb. 12:1.
    "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,"
    What is this besetting sin that plagues the (un)repentant? What is the sin which does so easily beset us? The sin which predominates this whole letter of Hebrews. That of unbelief. What is unbelief? Opposite of belief. See note on Heb. 11:39. To know and believe Truth's claim but to refuse to answer to His light.
    The writer was pleading with the Jewish nation to answer the light supplied concerning the Messiah, none other than Jesus Christ.
    Some refuse the light of scripture believing they have no need of a Savior with different levels of ignorance of the truth of the matter, some denying heaven, hell, Jesus, Satan. Unbelief covers the whole spectrum of people who refuse the light of scripture which provides answers. Some overcome this lie of Satan himself who teaches you shall not die with death everywhere.
      (1) Grace is an attitude of God toward man. (Eph. 2:7)
      (2) Grace is a work of God on behalf of man. (Tit. 2:11)
      (3) Grace is a gift of God bestowed on man. (Eph. 4:7)
      (4) Grace is a power of God working in man. (1 Cor. 15:10) "But by the grace of God, I am what I am"
      (5) Grace is a method of God saving men. (Rom. 3:24)
      (6) Grace is a realm of God into which men may enter by faith, abide, and experience all the blessings of Salvation. (Rom. 5:2, Acts 13:43) and be known as an overcomer in Rev. 21:7.
    Grace coupled with love never fails (1 Cor. 13:7-8). He loved us until the end. John 13:1.
    As Sons of God we are given the family name (Rev. 3:12 with 21:7). The Evidence of Sonship. Sons of God are:
    Led by the Spirit (Rom 8:14) This is not the cause but the evidence of our Sonship.
    Separated from the world (2 Cor. 6:14-18)
    Live the overcoming life (Rev 21:7; 1 John 4)
    Subject to the Father's chastening (Heb. 12:6-8)
    Bear the likeness of the Father (Matt. 5:9)
    Seven wonderful promises were made to “him that overcometh” in the letters to the seven churches (Revelation 2:7,11,17,26; 3:5,12,21), and these are all summed up here. We shall share in the very inheritance of Christ Himself (Hebrews 1:2; Psalm 2:8; Romans 8:17; 1 Peter 1:4,5; 1 Corinthians 3:21-23). As sons of God by adoption by God’s grace (Romans 8:15), we share in the infinite inheritance of the one who is Son of God from eternity. The Matt. 5:48 promise is fultilled.
    Legal adoption as "sons." Grk word "huios" in Rev. 21:7.
  • Overcome in the Bible:
     Jer 23:9  a man overcome with wine
     John 16:33  I have overcome the world
     Rom. 12:21  but overcome evil, with good
     1 John 2:13  have overcome the evil one
     Rev. 21:7 who overcomes shall inherit
  • How it all started and what we have to overcome: The life of dependence upon God was the life of union and cooperation with God. Man (Adam) having chosen the position of independence, was cut off from that union and cooperation. To say this, is to declare that by man's own act, has become separated from that fellowship with God which constitutes his holiness of character; and from that cooperation with God, which is the condition of righteousness of conduct. He has passed into a region where the essential powers of his being can find no fitting field of operation. He retains the essential facts of his being, but they cannot be perfected, because they have lost their true sphere.  Henceforward his intelligence must be bounded by its own limitation, as it is severed from the Infinite Knowledge. So also his emotion must become dwarfed as to capacity, because it has lost its perfect object in the loss of God and His will, a magnificent ruin, will perpetually attempt to secure mastership and yet will never succeed, because it has lost its own true spring of action, and its own Master. Man distanced from God has not lost the powers of his original creation; he has lost the true sphere of their exercise. His intelligence is darkened, his emotion is deadened, and his will is degraded. Darkened intelligence henceforth will see only the things that are near. The spaciousness of the spiritual condition has ceased, and man will look at material things in semi-blindness, which is at once tragic and pathetic. Deadened emotion, a heaven-born capacity, will attempt to satisfy itself wholly within the realm of the earth, and love being set wholly upon the things material, will forever be wounded in their loss. Degraded will, ever attempting to be authoritative, masterful, will always be thwarted, beaten, and overcome, not overcoming. Out of this dire and desolate ruin, God hears the call for a Deliverer.
    This threefold ruin must be overcome and by grace and the Leadership of Christ can be accomplished. Phil 3:12; Titus 2:12; Luke 6:40.
    This is a promise to be conformed to His image from Christ. Rom. 8:29.
    No excuses for failure 1 John 2:6; 1 Pet. 2:21; Phil 2:5-7.
    The New Commandment He gave us is John 13:34. And those that do love Him don't fail with His commands for they are empowed by His grace John 14:15.
    They overcome and await His return. Rev. 22:20-21.

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