refer to the three narratives. Matthew writes, "Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit;" (Matt 4:1) Mark expresses it, "The Spirit driveth Him," (Mark 1:12) while Luke declares He "was led by the Spirit." (Luke 4:1) Jesus as the Man was led by God.
This was not Jesus idea or Satan’s but God’s. The one fact announced in these varied
ways is of utmost importance to keep in mind, if the true significance of this
temptation is to be understood. A Divine plan was being wrought out. It did not—to
use a common expression—"happen"
that Jesus met Satan and was tried. Neither is it true to say that the devil
arranged the temptation. Temptation here is in the Divine plan and purpose (one part
and an important one of His trip to earth). Jesus went into the
wilderness under the guidance of the God the Holy Spirit to find the devil. My
own conviction is that if the devil could have escaped that day, he would have done
so. It is a very popular fallacy that the enemy drove Christ into a
corner and tempted Him. But the whole Divine story reveals that the facts were
quite otherwise. God's perfect Man, led by the Spirit, of as Mark in his own
characteristic and forceful way expresses it, driven by the Spirit, passes
down into the wilderness, and compels the adversary to stand out clear from all secondary causes,
and to enter into direct combat. Use all of your methods Satan, but
in the open; this was not the devils method. He ever puts something between
himself and the man he would tempt. He hides his own personality wherever
possible. To our
first parents he did not suggest that they should serve him, but that they
should please themselves, and all the while a servant of his. Jesus
dragged him from behind everything, and put him in front, that for once, not
through the subtlety of a second cause, but directly, he might do his worst
against a pure soul.
Nothing can be clearer than the
simple and full statement. Matthew does not assert that being led of the Spirit
into the wilderness He was tempted of the devil; but that He was "led up into the wilderness to be
tempted of the devil." Mark adds some further light, by declaring, He
was "in the wilderness forty days,
tempted of Satan;” (Mark 1:13)
while Luke declares the same thing with even greater detail, "He was led by the Spirit in the
wilderness during forty days, being tempted of the devil." (Luke 4:1-2) Let all these details
enrichen and enlighten our minds and hearts.
To gather up these different side
lights, the case thus be stated. Jesus was led by the Spirit into the
wilderness to be tempted of the devil. He was tempted of the devil during forty
days, during the whole of which period He was still led by the Spirit. The Spirit took
Him to the place of temptation, and was with Him through the process of
temptation. Not
in His Deity did He resist, but in His perfect Manhood. Manhood is
however never able to successfully resist temptations of the devil except when
fulfilling a first Divine intention, that, namely, of depending upon God, and thus being guided by the
Spirit of God. Here let us take note. Thus the Man Jesus was led by
the Spirit into the wilderness, and was led by the Spirit through all the
process of temptation.
Herein lay the deep significance of this temptation. The
second Man, acting under the guidance of the Spirit (letting God determine His
next task for His will to accomplish), passes into the wilderness, and by His
coming challenged evil, and, acting simply under the guidance of that Spirit,
In conclusion, the significance of
the temptation may be seen by placing the whole of the facts in contrast with
the account of the temptation of Adam. The devil challenged the first man. The second Man challenged
the devil. The devil ruined
the first Adam. The last Adam spoiled the devil. The first Adam involved the race in his defeat.
The last Adam included the race in His victory. The first Adam stood as the head of the race, and falling, dragged the
race down with him. The last Adam stood as the Head of the new race, and being
victorious, lifted that race with Him.
This is not a picture of the last
Adam doing merely what the first Adam did, going into the place of passive
life, and then when temptation came, and resisting it. The second Man had not
only to resist temptation when it assailed Him for His own sake, but He had to
lay hold of the tempter, and defeat him and punish him for the wrong he did in
the ruin of the first man.
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