
Thursday, March 12, 2015


Correct Theory is the Pre-Tribulational Rapture

(See Newell, Revelation for pretribulation coming of the Lord. There he gives fourteen reasons).
  • There is no mention of the church as such on earth during the period covered by Rev. 4-19
Some are saved. But the church is only one company of the saved. In the first three chapters of Revelation the church is mentioned many times. But the church is then on earth.
  • The Church not only is not mentioned as being on earth during those chapters, but it is mentioned as being in heaven. It is mentioned at least four times
Rev. 19:1 "In heaven" - The church of this age is the bride. The Marriage is about to take place. The scene is in heaven.
Rev. 17:14 There is a church on earth, during this time, but it is the Harlot Church. "They that are with him" of vs. 14 make up the true church and are in heaven. When the harlot is at the height of her power, and also the ten kings, the true church is with Christ.
Rev. 13:6 "His tabernacle, even them that dwell in heaven." This is the Church in the very midst of Daniel's week of vss. 4-5.
Rev. 4:1 "After this" or "hereafter" reads literally, "after these things," that is the things in chapters 1-3
"four and twenty nests" (4) - these are thrones.
Thrones had to do with judgment
Crowns point to ruler ship
Elders - signify the church
These elders are the church because they have crowns and are associated with rule. Only the Church is thus designated in the New Testament.
The name elder (presbuteros) indicates this.
Since elders were the ruling body in the church, they are the proper representatives of the church.
  • The church can't be on earth during this period; because
First, this is a period of judgment. (Rev. 14:7)
The promise is that Christians shall not come into judgment cf. John 5:24; Romans 8:1
Second, this is a period of wrath. Rev. 6:15-17; 15:1 Believers are saved from wrath. 1 Thess. 1:10; 5:9
  • Problems Relating to the Rapture
Are the Old Testament saints included in the rapture of the church?
Isa. 26:19-20 "Until the indignation be over past." This would lead us to believe that the Old Testament saints go into the chambers of the Father's house before the tribula­tion.
Daniel 12:1-2 (Tregelles translation) "And many...shall awake, these to everlasting life and those to shame and everlasting contempt." This passage makes reference to things at the beginning of the last half of the 70th week. But we must remember too, that the entire eschatological event may be under consideration as reference to the two resurrections indicate.
Hebrews 11:40 "apart from us they should not he made per­fect."
Rev. 4:4 The 24 elders. If 12 should represent the Old Testa­ment saints, and 12 the New Testament saints, then this pictures something at the opening of the tribulation week.
  • The Tribulation Saints who Suffer Death
They belong to the first resurrection, but because of place in time must experience resurrection and rapture during the tribulation period.

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