
Monday, February 9, 2015


The Biblical systems of Eschatology

The Liberal

The Older types of liberal eschatology.
These were more over the pattern of higher critical approach to the text, so that it did not mean what it appeared to say; or was to be taken in terms of mythology. These were largely social.

The Reactionary type of Schweitzer.
Delusion theory. He insisted that the Bible spoke clearly. It was thoroughgoing in the case of Jesus. He merely denied that the Bible was right. Christ was deluded.
The More Recent type of eschatology
Social also. Proleptic eschatology--J. A. T. Robinson. Things in the life of Christ were anticipatory.

Inaugurated eschatology--J. A. T. Robinson. Death and resurrection of Christ ushered in and is being progressively realized by people. Kingdom comcs, and comes, and comes.

Realized eschatology- - C. H. Dodd. Death and resurrection of Christ was the realization of eschatology. Present structure of the gospel, but nothing future. Variations such as teleological eschatology. Realized in every generation.

Absolute eschatology— — Barth, Brunner, Kierkegaard, etc. Eschatology has nothing to do with history as a time process and its outworking. Eschatology belongs to eternity and not to time, and therefore is something wholly associated with God. This is mostly philosophical, obscure, and irrational.

The Conservative
The Postmillennial approach to eschatology. This is dead. The facts of history have rendered it invalid.

The A—Millennial approach to eschatology. This is now in a state of recrudescence. Spiritualization of the Scripture provides its only refuge. The developments in Israel are placing it in an untenable position.

The Premillennial approach to eschatology. This position is gradually being vindicated by the unfolding panorama of events in almost every area of the world.

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