
Thursday, February 19, 2015



Physical Death is the Temporary Separation of the Body from the Soul and/or Spirit

Gen. 35:18 "Her soul was in departing, (for she died)."

Luke 23:46 "He gave up the ghost" - GK -"He dismissed his spirit."

Acts 7:59 "Receive my spirit"

James 2:26 "body without the spirit is dead"

On the Physical side, Death is a Distinct Crisis Marked by the Cessation of Life in the Body and Resulting Ordinarily in its Dissolution and Corruption

James 2:26 - "body without the spirit is dead"  Result of Crisis of Separation is deadness.

2 Cor. 5:1 "Our earthly house . . . were dissolved" - putrefaction, decay.

Eccl. 12:7 - "The dust return to the earth" - result
Rev. 21:1-5 - "No more death" - these things shall happen no more.

Note: One exception: Acts 2:27 "Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption."
Compare Jude 9 Moses - disputed  Moses' body was brought out of the grave by Michael the archangel, for reunion with his spirit for the purpose of communion with the Man Jesus (Jude 9). This again was an act of God's faith in Christ, and though the devil disputed with the archangel his right to appropriate the benefits of redemption, until redemption were accomplished by this very act God declared the absolute accomplishment of redemption in the Divine economy, long before it had been wrought out into human history. Jesus therefore through Whom, and through Whom alone eventually, men as such will be found in the heavens, ascended in bodily form to those heavens, being Himself as to actual victory First-born from the dead. He has work to accomplish as one of the two witnesses.
Deut. 34:5- about the body of Moses
Christ - "Neither wilt thou suffer thine holy One to see corruption."
Death brings about:
  • Separation of Body and Soul
  • Deadness of Body
  • Dissolution of Body
  • Return to elements
On the metaphysical side, Physical Death Introduces the Soul (and Spirit) into a New State of Conscious Existence Which is Intermediate Between Death and the Resurrection
Metaphysical means beyond the physical or on the other side as opposed to the physical.
Luke 16:19-23 (Not a parable) - Rich man and Lazarus
Rev. 6:9-11 Souls under altar - conscious, resting, etc.
Intermediate State Later

From the Personal Standpoint, Therefore, Physical Death is an Experience Which Involves the Entire Person - Body, Soul and Spirit

Luke 16:22-23 - The man dies. Text says "The rich man also died."
Gen. 3:19 (body) - "Unto dust shalt thou return;" cf. Gen. 2:7
Luke 23:43 (Soul and Spirit) "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise."

Summary: I doubt whether it is correct to say that the body dies. The person dies, because it involves separation. The body is dead as an immediate result, and dissolves finally.

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