
Monday, February 24, 2014


John 3:5
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.”

Verses 5-8, comprise the full answer and the statement of all the principles. Because time will not permit us, to deal with all these verses in one article, we shall concentrate on verse 5. By way of introduction, I want to make a series of observations.
                  -Verse 5 does not introduce a new subject from that in verse 3. Jesus is still dealing with the subject of new birth.
                 -This is a restatement of the declaration made in verse 3, though in slightly different form.
                  -More particularly this statement is the answer to the appeal of Nicodemus as expressed in the word "how".
                  -To narrow the discussion the words, "born of water and of the Spirit" are intended to explain the word “again" or "from above" as expressed by the Greek of verse 3.
                  -Since Nicodemus is confused this verse is intended to correct the false im­pression that this is a birth in any way to be interpreted as on the human and natural level. That is the reason for the words "of the Spirit”.
                  -But it is also intended to explain the means by which the new birth becomes effective in men. This explanation is to be found in the words "of water".
                  -Verses 6 through 8, while a part of the answer, do not supply any added information. They are intended as notes to guard Nicodemus against ar­riving at any false notions concerning what Christ has already said. These verses are safeguards so Nicodemus will not slip off the narrow path of truth as expressed in verses 3 and 5.

              Much of the statement in verse five appears almost word for word in verse 3 Since we have already dealt with this it will not be necessary to repeat it. But there is a phrase which is new, namely, that portion of verse five which reads "of water and of the spirit". It will be our purpose to examine these words carefully, because they are intended to explain the word “again" or "from above" appearing in verse three, and answer the question "how".

These words describe and enumerate the means or elements which combine to bring about the event of New Birth. It is essential that we note at least five different things about these words to determine precisely what they mean. These things may sound a bit technical, and they are, but they are essential to the understanding of this statement of Christ. If Greek were the native tongue of each one of us, there would hardly be any need for this explanation.

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