
Monday, March 7, 2016



Man is a unity and not a unit. Man is a dual, but not two. The perfect reproduction of the Divine Image and Likeness is in the marriage of male and female where elements of that Likeness and Image exist in both. In the union of both man and woman there is an expression of truth concerning God as there cannot be made in the loneliness of the one, or the isolation of the other.

He emphasized the teaching of the old economy on this one point. That teaching is that man is a unity. and not a unit: that man is dual, but not two; that the full ideal of humanity is the union of fatherhood and motherhood; that spiritually and in the last analysis humanity is not represented in man, or in woman, but in their union. Man is in the Divine likeness and the Divine image partially, woman is in the Divine likeness and the Divine image partially. Not in man is a full and perfect representation of the Divine likeness and the Divine image: not in woman is a full and perfect representation of the Divine likeness and the Divine image.  In each there are elements of the Divine likeness and the Divine image: but in the mystic union is the full unveiling of the truth concerning God. God is not Father alone. He is Son and Holy Spirit also. In the essential mystery of the Divine Being, there are not only all those quantities and qualities which we associate with man, there are those quantities and qualities which we associate with woman. Consequently, thinking in each case upon the very highest level, in the union of man and woman there is the expression of truth concerning God as there cannot be in the loneliness of the one, or the isolation of the other.

“And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him.” Mark 10:2

When today questions are asked about divorce, men do not usually begin here: but this is where Christ began. If the question of divorce is to be discussed, said Jesus in effect, let us get back to the beginning of things, and see what God meant in the creation of humanity. From the beginning of the creation He created them male and female.

Same truth goes for homosexual behavioral sin. The biblical standard for marriage is a monogamous relationship in which a man and a woman share a lifetime commitment to each other, second only to their commitment to God. It is an unconditional, lifetime commitment. Jesus emphasized God's intention that marriage be a lifetime commitment (Mark 10:5-9; Matt. 19:4-9). He affirmed this as the principle of marriage inherent in divine creation (Gen. 2:24). Paul cited this key principle to show the sinfulness of sexual relations outside marriage (1 Cor. 6:12-20) and to emphasize the importance of self-giving love in marriage (Eph. 5:28). Gen. 2:24 emphasizes the oneness of the marriage relationship and the priority of the relationship over all others, including the relationship of the couple to their parents. Marriage is also for companionship (Gen. 2:18-23). Paul described the kind of mutual submission that should characterize the marriage relationship (Eph. 5:21-33). Although the husband is head of the home, his role is modeled after the role of Christ as Head of the church, who "loved the church and gave Himself for it" (Eph. 5:25).

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