
Tuesday, March 22, 2016



While special time comes first, and sovereign authorization comes next, another step is logical in determining an ordinance, namely, the symbolical meaning of the form. Many things may fall within this time and receive sovereign authori­zation, but would not be ordinances. Ordinances must have symbolical meaning. These forms must signify spiritual truth or else they do not fall within the class of ordinances. If there is efficacy attached to the doing of them, then they are not ordinances in the strictest sense of the word, but works.
lb. The importance and prevalence of symbols is not realized by many. Words are symbols of ideas; letters of the alphabet are symbols:
Numbers are symbols with numerical value.
There is no efficacy in these symbols. But they are absolutely indispensable for the conveyance and conservation of thought.

2b. The general meaning of a symbol is the important element to consider. It is a sign, a type, a figure, without any inherent relation to the thing it signifies.
For instance, the maple leaf is a symbol of Canada, but it has no vital or inherent relationship to Canada. For maple leaves grow elsewhere.
The bread and the cup are symbols of Christ's body and blood, but there is no vital or inherent relation to His body and blood.
These symbols do not become anything other than they already are. But be­cause they stand for certain spiritual realities, they convey truth to the mind.

3b. The special value of the ordinance lies in its symbolical nature; and this is twofold.

lc. For refreshing the memory with the truth.
"This do in remembrance of me" - 1 Cor. 11:24, 25; Luke 22:19
Pure and proper conduct is dependent upon a conscious realization of truth about the believer's relation to Christ.

2c. For conserving the spiritual truth.
"Ye do shew the Lord's death till he come" - 1 Cor. 11:26

By the word "shew" Paul means to proclaim or bear a message. Thus, in the very nature of the form or symbol, a message is wrapped up, and when one practices the ordinance it conveys the message to him as well as to others.

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