
Friday, October 5, 2018



"He Himself knew what He would do" John 6:6

What a revealing word this is, and how full of comfort for all those who love and follow the Lord. He had suggested a great problem. How were they to procure bread to feed the multitude? The difficulty is revealed in the answers of Philip and Andrew. The 1st calculated the cost. The 2nd emphasized the inadequacy of their resources. He had asked His question, as John says, to prove them. By a facing of their own poverty they would learn the value of His power. How often He brings us into such places of perplexity. Something is to be done that seems impossible, even; that is impossible if we argue from our own private resources. May we not learn from this incident that in all such cases our wisdom will consist in our confidence that He Himself knows what He will do, and that according to His plan of the ages. Is it not intended that we should better their replies by saying: Lord, we do not pretend to know how things are to be done, but we bring whatever resources we have to Thee, and are confident that whatever Thou hast in Thy heart to do, Thou art able to do with these poor things of ours! We know not; but Thou know-est; and so we do not ask to know. All we ask is that we may be directed by Thy wisdom, so shall we be enabled by Thy power. If we can only take up that attitude, how STRONG AND QUIET LIFE WILL BE.

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