
Monday, March 27, 2017



“"Little children, I am with you a little while longer. You shall seek Me; and as I said to the Jews, I now say to you also, 'Where I am going, you cannot come.'” John 13:33

See also John 7:34; 8:23; 13:33. Also Mat 5:20; 1 Cor. 6:9; 15:50; Rev 21:27

You can't come because you have one final part of My ministry to be performed at this point. You are in need of a transformation that gives you an eternal body. The problem for men who choose to serve the Son of Man in an everlasting Kingdom is that they die. Death or rapture brings about the transformation and the unstraightening needed. You have need of a change. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the eternal kingdom, for you need an imperishable body to serve Me and My Father without interruption. You need to be unstraitened as I was.
Flesh and blood cannot inherit (i.e. to become a ruler in it) this Kingdom. Just as it is with the Head, the Mighty One, that the covenant and promises demanded an immortal Ruler, so it is with His members, the body. As King He is to be manifested in His gloried form-a David's Son possessing all that is requisite to fulfil the Word; so also the saints, as co-heirs, kings and priests must be in their glorified condition before they receive the Kingdom. Hence, while in the church, in flesh and blood, they only await the promises---hope and pray for their realization. They await death to unstraighten their limitations or the rapture when they shall be perfected before entrance along His side to rule. The church, then, instead of possessing a Kingdom, as actually existing according to promise, only possesses it in anticipation, in looking for and expecting its arrival.

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