
Friday, April 29, 2016


The Apostle's Perversion of the Great Spiritual Reality

John 3:9-11

le. The perversion of the apostle. V.9
Now that Peter is convinced that he must receive cleansing at the hands of the only One Who is able to administer it, the Lord Jesus, he then goes to another extreme, further indication that he did not know the significance of the rite, nor understand the spiritual reality behind it.

He insists that not only his feet but also his head and hands be washed. This means that he thought he ought to have a whole bath.

2e. The answer of the Lord to the apostle. Vss. 10-11

1. Judicial cleansing demands a whole bath.
First word "wash!" is the word "louo" meaning bathe.

This cleansing has to do with the standing of the believer and deals with the penalty of sin.
This is symbolized by the baptism of the believer.
This is performed once and did not need to be repeated.
The efficacy of this work flows on, thus cleansing from the penalty of every sin appearing in the life of the believer after he has been saved.
This is the cleansing that is necessary for salvation.
This is what the Lord means as explained by the Lord.
Not all were clean judicially, for Judas had never yet believed on Christ for salvation, and he would never believe.
This sort of cleansing is performed by blood (1 John 1:7)

Note: - Vss. 10 and 11 definitely affirm that Christ is referring to something other than a mere physical cleansing. He has something in mind that is spiritual and signified by this physical act.

2. Practical cleansing demands the washing of the feet.
The second word "wash" is "nipto" referring to a washing of parts of the body.
Since the feet describe the walk of the believer, these feet contract defilement while walking through a world of sin.
In order to maintain and enjoy the part with Christ, the believer must be purified, set apart from, cleansed from the pollution of sin.
This washing has to do with the state of the believer.
This is performed by the action of the word of the believer.
This word is symbolized by the water in the basin. Eph. 5:26
This is performed by Christ in His high priestly ministry of us.
This is the operation that makes one grow in grace and come to look more like Christ.
By this method alone can the believer share with Christ the holiness and blessedness of his own being.
Peter's desperate perversion lies in the fact that he was suggesting that one bath is not enough; that sin will mar the effects of that one bath to the point of losing sal­vation and therefore necessitate its repetition. That is precisely the error many are making today, forgetting that Christ's death was supremely and eternally efficacious, and once saved one will never lose it. On the other hand sins must be dealt with personally, and that is performed by the washing of water in the Word.

Note: Three words for "wash" appear in the Greek:

Plunw -  of things.
Niptw - parts of body.
Louw - the whole body.

All three words appear in Lev. 15:11 in the Septuagint Translation.

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