
Wednesday, September 24, 2014


The Prohibition From the New Order
Rev. 21:8
"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

There may be some doubt in the minds of men, so earthbound as we are, about the presence of sinful men in this new order. Satan has certainly tried to confuse the minds of men with his perversions of the truth. Just do the best you can and you will be saved. Just belong to this lodge, or give to the community chest, etc.

The People Prohibited From Entering
"The fearful," "the unbelieving," "the abominable," "the murderers," "the fornicators," "sorcerers," "idolaters," "all the liars."
This describes their nature and their conduct. This does not point to occasional slips, but to practice. The practice points to character that is unchanged and in full control.

"fearful" This fear refers not so much to physical cowardice as to lack of true faith which faith must be evidenced by public commitment to Christ. Note Mark 4:40; 2 Timothy 1:7; Matthew 10:32; Romans 10:9-10).
"unbelieving" Final, unchanging, refusal to believe on Christ as Son of God and personal Savior is the only ultimately unforgivable sin (John 3:18).
"whoremongers" The “abominable” are those who practice “abominations”—that is, the blasphemous and licentious practices associated with idolatry.
“Murderers” are those guilty, not of manslaughter or of slayings in warfare of self-defense, but of willful criminal homicide.
“Whoremongers,” in the meaning of the Greek pornos, refers not only to pimps but to any who practice or promote sexual activity outside of marriage.
"sorcerers" The “sorcerer” (Greek pharmakeus) is one who uses drugs to induce pseudo-religious fantasies and occult experiences.
"idolaters" “Idolaters” are those who are devoted to any object, spirit, person or practice which takes the place of God in their lives.
"liars" “Liars” are those who practice deception and falsehood, especially false teachers (2 Peter 2:1-3; Jude 4,13).
"fire" This is the last reference to “fire” in the Bible. The first was in Genesis 19:24. Both also involve brimstone (see on Revelation 20:10) and both involve divine judgment on sin.
"second death" See note on Revelation 20:14

The Portion Promised to These Sinners
"Part" points to the proper and promised place and condition that such as these shall inherit. Having shown their relationship, they are then entitled to enter in upon their inheritance.

The Condition Promised to Sinners
 "Second death."
This is a state of death as opposed to a state of life. They enter this condition by the second physical death, which destroys the body they used as an instrument to express their sinful desires and appetites.
The Penalty Which They Will Experience
"The lake which burneth with fire and brimstone." The appetites without expression will grow more intense as time passes, until the victim is burned up. In one sense of the word he is reaping precisely what he has sown. It should never be forgotten that it is divine execution.

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