
Sunday, January 19, 2014



             Is true faith possible without full assurance?

                        a. you are NOT saved by your faith IN your faith  There are times in a Christian’s life when he doesn’t feel saved.
                           b. but by faith IN Christ
                           c. We should have assurance. But it is subjective and variable. It grows as our faith grows. Christian assurance depends on three things:
                                    (1) Right conduct;
                                    (2) Right fruit;
                                    (3) Right faith. All this is the teaching of 1 John.

             Does each part of our salvation require a new act of faith?

                                  (1) We are justified when we believe. Must the blessing of sanctification be secured by a second and comparable act of faith? Etc. No, simply the exercise of the same faith. The one who has true faith overcomes this world resulting in glorification.
                                  (2) Certainly our total salvation is by faith, but the faith that lays hold on also at the same time possesses all blessings in Him. (Eph. 1:3)
                                  (3) Of course, there is a sense in which we must possess our possessions by faith, but they are ours when we receive Christ. As we learn what we have in Him, we must believe that we have them. Although you might tell him this he has to progressively learn these truths in his experience. Although you might tell him this he has to progressively learn these truths in his experience.

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