
Saturday, December 14, 2013


The Employment of Mankind Through the Ceaseless Ages of the Eternal State          

At this point in the unfolding of the message concerning the kingdom we come to a matter which is very near the vanishing point. It is by no means a matter which is purely academic. It engages the serious concern of men as they look forward to that long period of life in the eternal state. It is not to be dismissed lightly by the response that we leave the matter to our blessed Savior. If, on the other hand, there is any information available in the Scriptures, then it should be shared with the saints.
            It is unfortunate that much of what has been taught on this subject is extra-Biblical and therefore is largely the fancies of the imagination. It has left some with the impression that the only thing we have to look forward to is an eternal withdrawal into holy inactivity. If this be the case, there are few who envision this prospect with any degree of enthusiasm. Life is essentially activity, and the kind of activity that makes a contribution to society. Surely eternal life in its fullness will mean something like that.
            At this point the Scripture is scanty. But it does provide enough material so that we can construct a picture that will be generally accurate and exciting. On details there is bound to be differences of opinion. But in the area of details, the Scripture is silent. Three general areas are treated: the permeating atmosphere, the particular areas of activity, and the perennial acclamation of the sovereign.
1. The permeating atmosphere of the eternal state will be that of worship (Rev. 22:3 "And there shall no longer be any curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him."). One of the things most prominent in the former economy was the energies of men devoted to offsetting the effects of the curse. Procreation was marked by sorrow, infant mortality, and deformity. The whole medical profession has been devoted to alleviating or removing these effects. The ground refused to release its treasure for the preservation and perpetuation of mankind. Men have employed almost every conceivable device to raise crops and offset the ravages of famine and death. All this effort has required the sweat of the face, and the toil with its hardships and misunderstandings. But in the eternal state at last the curse has been completely lifted.
            Now the throne of God is in its proper place. It is established in the Holy City and is accessible to mankind. This requires that men make a proper response, and that response which is ordered and directed from the throne. In place of the deterrents of the former economy, there will be the clear directions for an ordered and progressive society in all of its ramifications. His servants, those who have been purchased with the blood of Christ, and who will have voluntarily and eagerly offered themselves as bond-slaves at His disposal, they will now render their service as an act of worship. The verb in this case is the word used of priests engaged in the performance of worship (Heb. 9:1).
            This is not to suggest that everyone will serve in the capacity of a priest. But it does mean that in whatever activity they are engaged, it will be performed in devotion to the sovereign. This ought to be true today. Worship should not be confined to a few religious duties performed at stated intervals. It ought to be the response of a regenerated soul characterizing all his activity (Rom. 12:1-2). However deficient the response of the saved today, in that eternal day it will characterize all the actions of the saints.
2. The particular activities of the saints may be classified under three heads: administration, exploration, production. The spiritual nobility will be specially charged with the responsibility of administration (Rev. 22:5). They are the inhabitants of the Holy City, consisting of the Church, the Old Testament saints, and the tribulation martyrs. They comprised the administrative team at the highest level, during the Mediatorial Kingdom, and their services have been retained for the eternal state. Their mansions are a display of their nobility that the Father's Son went to build for her.
            It is not to be thought that a perfect society does not necessitate organization. Not even the triune God operates on that level. Therein is a perfect model of organization. Each has His position in the Godhead and His particular area of responsibility, and they work in perfect harmony with one another. The details and aspects of evaluation and direction of the redeemed are infinite. Billions of people will comprise the population of the earth, so that there will be need for the services of the spiritual nobility to preserve the well-being of mankind, and to produce an ordered society which displays the excellencies of the triune God.
            Outside the city, in the broad reaches of a restored earth, dwell billions of people. A vast portion of these will be engaged in exploration (Gen. 1:28). The original directive to Adam was the command to subdue the earth. This undoubtedly carries with it the significance of investigation. All scientific research falls into this category. It may be expected then, that a new era of scientific research will be launched, without any lack of resources, nor any restraints from sin. The infinite and the infinitesimal will be explored. The microscope and the telescope will be employed. The outer reaches of space will be visited. It may well be that men will reach other planets beside the moon. The composition of matter will be explored beyond the elements, the molecule, the atom, and the electron. Even now men are speculating that divisions of matter may be even smaller than what science has discovered at this point. All this investigation somehow fits in with the statement of verse 24 and 26 of Revelation 21, "the glory and honor of the nations." These words must refer to the sum total of the qualities divinely imparted to men and now in activity. These will now be functioning for the good of mankind and the glory of God. And like Adam they shall receive daily instruction and input from their Maker.
            The vast number of earth's population, however, will be engaged in production, just as they are today. This means that they will take the knowledge that has been made available through scientific research and put it into operation to produce benefits for society. Surely the words, "the glory and honor of the nations" involves something that is objective. Something is invented, manufactured, articulated in such a way that it takes on objective existence. This is what the nations will bring into the capital city to present to the King. This will mean that there will be no end to what men can do, and will do, without any of the hindrances of sin. Think of the fairs of earth: city, county, state, national, international, and world fairs, where men come together to display their achievements. What will it be like when from all over the earth the redeemed make ceaseless pilgrimages to the Eternal City to bring the glory and honor of the nations into it?
3. Note in the third place, that perennial acclamation of worship and devotion will characterize the redeemed and result in unending pilgrimages to the Holy City. In contrast to the stubborn refusal on the part of governments and people to give any recognition to God, in the eternal state "the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it . . and they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it" (Rev. 21:24-26). Potentates and people alike are moved by such devotion to the Sovereign of the empire that they make regular and unending pilgrimages to the great city to present their achievements to the King. Day in and day out, year in and year out, the multitudes of saved people will be traveling to the central city. They come for thousands of miles, arriving at every time of day and night. Since there is no night there, the gates are always open to receive them. And it is their chief delight to present to the King that which is the result of their God-given potential, and tender expressions of gratitude for His grace. You may be sure that the King will delight in this activity, and rejoice as He reflects on the successful fulfillment of his manifold wisdom and design for mankind.

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