
Friday, November 8, 2013


Positions of Power
Two men asked for these positions and ten were angry with them. He rebuked not the two but the ten. He then declared to them the genius of His Kingdom. It was not one to be established by force of compelling men to serve. It was rather one which inspired men to the service of others. Positions of power in His Kingdom are not opportunities for the mastery of men, but for the rendering of service. Those that give so that others are blessed fulfill what He asked of Israel at the beginning. I bless you so that you can bless others. Too many in our day want to be leaders instead of servants. Those who seek positions of power choose the wrong vocation and the church gives them as well as leads them in their wrong direction. Few want to pick up their cross and follow Him in His example. They would rather be the head of the company. The church is not a company. All its services are at no cost unless your church is running it for a profit.

Christ said I came not to be served, but to serve, and to give My life a ransom for many.

It was here on His way to Jerusalem to go to the Cross that He halted the procession to the Cross in the spirit of the Cross.

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