
Tuesday, July 12, 2016



lb. Non-resistance does not harmonize with the wars of Israel, many of which were authorized and blessed of God.

The answer: Israel was a theocracy where church and state were one. It was a nation of this world, made up of unregenerate people, operating under the dispensation of the law. God changed all this with the dispensation of grace.

2b. Non-resistance is contrary to the example of Jesus who used force when necessary.

Only twice is it affirmed that Christ used force (John 2:13 ff and Matt. 21: 12-13). This was the wrath of the sovereign God, and believers are never exhorted to follow His example. In fact they are urged to wait upon Him to execute wrath.

His wrath in Rev. 19:11-21 is that of the great judge, and, then He uses no carnal weapon. His weapon is the sword of His mouth or His almighty word.

3b. Non-resistance leads to an extreme position which ultimately results in greater evil.

The answer to this objection is simply this, namely that when taken in its true intent, non-resistance is meant to restrain from doing a greater evil in retaliation for a lesser. If this is constantly kept in mind, any lack of resistance which would lead into sin instead of away from it should be shunned as being out of keeping with the spirit of Christ's words.

4b. Non-resistance is the same as the pacifism endorsed by liberal theologians and modern political groups. And this would destroy the state.

The answer to this: non-resistance has nothing to do with present day pacifism. It does not teach that the state should not employ force to pro­tect against enemies. It is not a political scheme for states or governments. It is for individual believers, and these believers are taught to respect and uphold the governments under which they live.

5b. Non-resistance is gross insubordination to civil government and is therefore contrary to the Scriptures.

Answer: It is not insubordination to the state. It is rather a recognition of the state in everything which the state is ordained to do. Anything that is contrary for believers because God has commanded otherwise is simply the recognition of a higher power.

6b. Non-resistance is rank cowardice in the face of great physical danger using the Scriptures for a smoke screen.

Such an accusation is untrue. For those who have taken this position often come into all the dangers of other soldiers, with the added fact that they are not armed. The non-combatant under military direction may be placed in positions of grave danger.

7b. Non-resistance is the refusal of a citizen to aid his government in protecting the liberties he enjoys.

This is not true. The non-combatant merely places himself in the same position along with the chaplain. Chaplains take their places because they believe that in that position they can best serve their government, and their assistance is moral and spiritual. But there is no such thing as a clerical class recognized by the New Testament. All believers are priests. And on that ground the believer in non-resistance holds that he will be of greater assistance to his country giving moral and spiritual help, than by bearing arms.

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