
Friday, January 6, 2017


(2 Pet.  2:1-22)

          While growing in grace is accomplished through the medi­um of positive knowledge of the Lord, imparted to the be­liever, it is evident that a certain protection is exercised over the believer by warning him of the perils which beset the way. At this point in the epistle Peter may properly intro­duce the most insidious peril that has ever beset the people of God. He has just pointed out the fact that the more sure word of prophecy passed on to the people of God by the prophets of God was not an invention of the prophets but an impartation from God. It originated in His will, and holy men of God spoke as they were borne along by the Holy Spirit. Therein lies its power. It was the word of God spoken to the people of God pointing out the plan and purpose of God. Be­cause of this, the great adversary of the people of God read in this his own dimensions and doom, and unless the word of God could be corrupted and the people of God could be confused, Satan's nefarious schemes would come to nothing. Therefore, he corrupted the message by raising up false prophets among the people.

          However, Peter intimates that the days of prophets are about over, and the canon of Scripture is about to be com­pleted. Because of this, the same Scripture given by prophets will be taught to the people by teachers, and Satan's next move will be to raise up false teachers among the people of God and lead them astray.

          Hitherto, the great danger of the church has been trial and persecution from without. In his first epistle Peter wrote to warn the people of these dangers and to offer them encour­agement. Now he writes to warn them of a more insidious evil working from within. This is the same leaven that has permeated the entire church across the ages and threatens to­day to sweep away all that remains. These false teachers and their fleshly living are treated in the 2nd chapter.

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