
Monday, May 8, 2017



“And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.” Eph. 5:18-19

The 1st outcome after being filled with the Spirit in vs. 18 is that of the exercise of praise, which glorifies God. Many churches make the mistake of the “drunk with wine” reaction of the congregation with a music ministry that attempts to incite excitement through a performance instead of bringing out worship from a heart that has already been prepared by the Lord and Master of their life. God has prepared their life to respond in a worshipful service and not a music performance. The Spirit who is their Comforter for their lives and who lives within them will bring out the melody already in their hearts to the Lord.
   “Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Col. 3:16
The only additional thought here is, that their psalms and hymns were to be regarded as a method of "teaching" and "admonishing;" that is, they were to be imbued with truth, and to be such as to elevate the mind, and withdraw it from error and sin. Dr. Johnson once said, that if he were allowed to make the ballads of a nation, he cared not who made the laws. It is true, in a more important sense, that he who is permitted to make the hymns of a church and the method of song presentation need care little who preaches, or who makes the creed. He will more effectually mould the sentiments of a church than they who preach or make creeds and confessions. Hence, it is indispensable, in order to the preservation of the truth, that the sacred songs of a church should be imbued with sound evangelical sentiment. Song presentation is not to be a performance but a worship experience. Here again Jesus is to be the Teacher and Lord of His church John 13:13.
The Bible mentions many instruments in the many verses that speak of music and the singers as well as the instruments used. And churches make the mistake of limiting the ability for the singer to actually worship with the music by the limitation of the style the music and the method of the presentation. Too many sit or stand without the wanting to join in the music as it is presented for them to join. See 1 Chron 25 to see that David was extremely careful to ensure that all might join in the singing in the sacred service of praise in the House of God. The Christian church sings. It is not a choral society. Its singing is not a concert. But from inner, material necessity it sings. Singing is the highest form of human expression. Too many churches have went to concert style presentation which leaves part of the congregation silent instead of joining. The pastor needs to pay attention to witness if many or any in his flock are not participating in that which is necessary for their hearts to express worship to their Lord and Master. The congregation is always the primary choir. The role of professional or volunteer choirs and musicians is to aid the whole people of God in their worship. While anthems or vocal and instrumental solos may be offered, they do not have to be. Congregational singing, however, is essential. While it is possible to be actively engaged in worship and in prayer while listening to an anthem or solo, a diet of worship which does not regularly include ample opportunity for all the members of the congregation to join in song will be impoverished worship, and the life of the church and the faith of its people will suffer. Bands that are performing are not the choice of a thriving church.
Psalm 95:1
Ephesians 5:19
Hebrew 2:12
Psalm 71:23
Exodus 15:1
Psalm 105:2
Psalm 49:4
Psalm 101:1
Psalm 150:1-5
Colossians 3:16
Psalm 98:1-7
Revelation 14:3-4
Psalm 135:3
Amos 6:5
Psalm 57:7
2 Chronicles 5:13
Psalm 40:3

1 Chronicles 25

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