doctrine of the triunity of God is not clearly taught, but in certain passages
there are strong intimations.
The plural name for God (Elohim) appears in the
original Hebrew text more than 2000 times. It appears in the first verse of
Genesis. "In the beginning God
created the heavens and the earth." Moreover, it is used with a
singular verb, and it is almost always used elsewhere with a singular verb.
Some exegetes refer to the Hebrew word for God as an intensive plural, and
suggest that it may thereby be used in a singular sense. In any event, while it
does not denote a trinity, it does suggest a plurality in unity.
The plural pronouns used of God in the Hebrew
text are further intimations of a plurality in unity that may suggest the
Trinity. At the creation of man, "God
said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness"(Gen. 1:26). After the fall God
deliberated, "Behold, the man is
become as one of Us" (Gen. 3:22).
In the divine council at the tower of Babel, God
said, “Go to, let Us go down, and there
confound their language" (Gen.
11:7). As Isaiah beheld the glory of the Lord in the temple, he heard God
say, "Whom shall I send, and who
will go for Us" (Isa. 6:8).
The plural verb in the Hebrew is used occasionally with the name for God (Elohim).
Here is an instance. "And he built
there an altar, and called the place El-bethel; because there God appeared unto
him, when he fled from the face of his brother" (Gen. 35:7). This may intimate that the writer had no difficulty in
recognizing a plurality of persons in the experience of Jacob and therefore did
not hesitate to indicate this by the plural of the word for God and the plural
of the verb "appeared."
It is very evident that God's name is applied to more than one person in some of the texts of
the Old Testament. This is true in Gen.
19:24. "Then the Lord rained
upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of
heaven". In Psa. 45:6-7,
two persons are involved and both are called God. This is especially evident
in Psa. 110:1 where two persons are called
Lord, as a comparison of Matt. 22:41-46
will attest. Two persons appear in Hos.
1:6-7. One person is speaking, namely, God, and yet He declares that He
will save His people "by the Lord
their God." Isa. 44:6
reads, "Thus saith the Lord the King
of Israel, and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts: I am the first, and I am the
last; and besides Me there is no God." Here the Lord the King of
Israel and the Lord the Redeemer are both claiming to be one God. Along with
the above the writer of Proverbs propounds some questions concerning God: "What is his name, and what is his
son's name?" (Prov. 30:4).
Certain Old Testament passages strongly intimate
that the number of persons purporting to be God is three. The Aaronic benediction recorded in Num. 6:23-27 uses the word Lord or
Jehovah three times, and then equates this usage as "My name." There are those who feel that this follows the
pattern found later in the New Testament in which the blessing of the One God
subsisting in three persons is invoked.
There is a suggestion that all three person of the Godhead are
depicted in creation as set forth in Psa.
33:6. There is the word pointing to Christ, and the Lord indicating the
Father, and finally the word breathe, which is the word for spirit, singling out
the Holy Spirit. From other passages it is clear that all three persons of the
Godhead were involved in creation, and perhaps this passage includes all three acting as one God.
When Christ appeared in the synagogue of Nazareth, He used Isa. 61:1 and applied it to Himself.
Three persons appear in this passage, there is the speaker, the Lord of Isa. 60:22. There is the Spirit of the
Lord God with whom He was anointed. And there is the Lord, the Father who
anoints Christ.
Isa. 63:9-10 also presents a similar instance of three persons appearing in the
passage and denoting one God. The pronoun "he"
of the passage is the Father; "Angel
of His presence" is the Lord Jesus Christ; and "His Holy Spirit" is the third person of the Trinity. Yet
the entire passage suggests that there is just one God who is involved.
Even the opening verses of the Bible testify to the presence of three
persons. There is God in verse one; then the Spirit in verse two; and finally
the word ("God said"), the
third person in vs. 3.
Perhaps the strongest passage in the
Old Testament is Isa. 48:16. The
speaker points to the Father, the Lord God. He then refers to his Spirit, and
then admits He, the Christ, has been sent. This speaker is identified as the
first and the last in vs. 12, and as
the Redeemer of Israel in vs. 17.
The strong emphasis in all these passages is upon the unity of God.
But there is an underlying tone of plurality in this one God, and in some cases
it suggests that that number is three. These intimations are sufficient to
alert the Bible scholar to the possibility of further revelation in the
unfolding truth about God.